
What's BAD about being a Pharmacist?

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What's BAD about being a Pharmacist?




  1. The terribly RUDE people who refuse to understand that their insurance company is at fault and NOT the pharmacist or the drug store!!!!  Second behind that would be the people who yell at you because their doctor told them they called a prescription in to us when in fact that did NOT.  

  2. Having to deal with the rude and weird customers who haven't had their medication yet.

  3. Dealing with customers that don't accept the truth, lie about certain things, and mainly customers who haven't recieved their medication.

  4. Having to answer dumb questions from customers

  5. Volume, retail aggravation.

  6. Dealing with junkies that want 27 bottles of cough syrup.

  7. telling someone that a medicine costs 60 dollars, and seeing that look on their face, thats their grocery money.

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