
What's Black and skinny and runs at a hundred miles per Hour?

by  |  earlier

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An Ethiopian with a MacDonald's voucher.




  1. What do you call an Ethiopian with large feet? A golf club.

    (okay, that one sucked)

    What's the meanest thing you can say to an Ethiopian?

    Would you like some bug spray to get those flies off your pregnant son?

    (okay, that one sucked also)

  2. hahaha that's a good one

  3. funny but wrong. :]

  4. LOL! so wrong but so funny!

  5. that's sooo wrong.

  6. I know why he was running, I have tried a MacDonald's, yuck, they are dreadful, he was trying to get away from them, starvation is one thing, a big mac another.

  7. Hey Lord Percy U got it in reverse - he'd just eaten McDonalds & it gave him a super bout of the runs!!!

  8. You disgust me

    Its people like that makes this world a bad place!

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