
What's Blue Ray and HD CD's?

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What is the difference, and what do they do? I've been told HD is Blue Ray, but if that's true why do they have HD players and Blue Ray players?




  1. HdD Dvd will be like cassette players in the next few years-Invest in Blu-Ray.

  2. Both Blu Ray and HD DVDs are high definition DVDs. They are capable of storing much more data than standard DVDs. They can only be played in either Blu Ray or HD DVD players and are not interchangeable. They cannot be played in a standard DVD player (some of them have both the High Def and standard def  version of a movie on them and so that ype can be played in a standard DVD player, but only in SD).

    The two formats have been in competition, but it looks like the Blu Ray format is winning and HD DVD may soon come to an end.

  3. Toshiba announced today that they will stop to manufacture HD-DVD.

    Blue Ray won the battle of standard.

  4. Hi William,

    HD DVD (Toshiba) vs Blu Ray (Sony).

    The battle rages and it looks like consumers will have to face a dual format much like the dash R and plus R DVDs.

    Samsung & LG already offer dual format machines and others will follow. This probably means both formats will survive.

    Both use interactive menus but differences are – Blu-Ray capacity is 50Gb and HD-DVD is 30Gb. HD-DVD is region free while Blu-Ray is divided into three regions. (Figures Sony will try to stick it to the consumer) A disadvantage to HD-DVD is they are not all hard coated as are the Blu-Ray. HD-DVDs scratch as easily as regular DVDs while the Blu-Ray are more scratch resistant.


  5. It's a HD DVD btw.

    Blu ray IS high definition but is not the same as HD DVD. If you are thinking of buying any of them, buy blu ray, as HD DVD is dying out and has lost support from most companies.

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