
What's Chad Johnson's IQ?

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I don't know if anyone else watched PTI last night, but Chad Johnson (in all seriousness) insisted that the reason Michael Phelps is winning so many golds is because he has no competition.

Ocho Idioto also went on to say that he could beat Michael Phelps in a race.

Honest to God, if this doesn't prove Johnson is the most egotistical athlete on the planet right now, I don't know what does. What are your thoughts on the comments?




  1. I doubt Chad Johnson would go on and rant about another athlete live, but I dunno since it IS Chad Johnson. I think he was just joking in my opinion, but then again I never saw this interview so my words are limited.  

  2. Yes he is an idiot and probley has a problem. But he is still one of the best players. But i do aggre with you some times he just does not think before he says something. I heard him say that to on pti and he expects people to take him seriousley.

  3. i don't know but Chad should have said that "his good at what he does and im good at what i do and if i played his sport i would loose and if he played my sport he would probably loose"

  4. see chad is still mad about losing to a horse

    so he decided to try and take on a human because obviously no human is better than the great 85, or at least he thinks so.

    now if he was smart he would race phelps for charity just like that horse

  5. Ok, I'm a Bengals fan, who is not necessarily a Chad Johnson fan.  I get as tired of his act as anyone.  But not here.  

    The man has an unusually dry sense of humor...notice he rarely laughs.  Other comments in the interview, such as "What (Coach Marvin Lewis) said went in one ear and out the other," are just his way of trying to make us laugh.  He hardly breaks a smile when he speaks of "beating Carson up."  

    It's up to you whether you find him to be funny, but realize that he's just a sarcastic individual.  

  6. chad wears his IQ on his uniform; its obvious that his IQ is none other than ocho cinco

  7. I see Chad has to be serious and boring 24/7 to get any respect. The guy is confident and very funny I might add. He is a very sarcastic person who loves to joke, you can tell if you didn't take it so seriously. Maybe his "inner city buddies" can beat Phelps but we'll never know because they're in the inner city. Anyway what does his IQ have to do with him making jokes? And for whomever that said Phelps isn't cocky yes he is he just doesn't speak about his talent, but he definitely shows it in his mannerisms. And why didn't Favre huge ego gander a question about his IQ? Maybe the name change thing is way left field, but other than that I just see a confident athlete who seems to like himself. A lot.

  8. For him to answer that question with that response, his IQ is Ocho Cinco (which is dullness or below average).

  9. I loved how he made the insinuation that his inner city buddies were all better, but they don't have the opportunity to do it.  

    Michael Phelps has a weird monkey build.  His arms are much longer than they should be.  That's why he's so good at swimming.  Chad Johnson just has a monkey brain.  That's why he says so many idiotic things.  I give his IQ level a....drum roll please...............................58!  Congratulations, Chad!  We can start calling you Cinco Ocho.

  10. In a way the way media acts most of the time like he's god makes him feel like he has this right...What a moron

  11. he is just very very sarcastic, and he is quite funny if you dont take whatever he says seriously.

    Chad Ocho Cinco, the initials spell = Coc (sound it out)

    too funny

  12. (Sigh) Typical. The man is a moron. The fact that he's surrounded by money has convinced him that his opinion matters. The man could be distracted by a laser pointer. Somebody lead him into traffic.

  13. One..Chad never gives indications of Sarcasm.

    Two... for all his skill, Chad has no self esteem.  So he needs to build himself up with ridiculous statements.  Sad, and Annoying..but true.

    Three.. He knows by being percieved like he does..he helps keep people looking at Cincy.  This has last season when things fell apart.  But I will take it, since this was the only offseasonhe has ever had a negative influence on the Bengals.

    Say what you will... it still beats having a guy destroying locker rooms.

    Honest to God...what I love is how much of a rile he draws out of people.... honestly.  He is a man boy and a clown.... and Knows it, as do most Bengals fans.  If ya'll can't see that... maybe ya need to lighten up.  I mean...he IS getting paid to play a Kids game.

    I would rather have him being a clown, and making plays..than sulking and not.

    And I doubt Phelps cares one way or another.

    **As for the IQ part...well..lets see..he got us all here talking about him still...while he is making 7 million dollars this season.....  so, from what I can is apparantly higher than ours.

  14. This is the same man that thought he could beat a race horse in a race with a huge headstart. I'm sure he would expect a 50M headsart in a 100M race. This guy has the biggest ego in the world without a doubt.

    Problem is he makes himself look like an idiot.

    Here's him racing the horse with a 100 yard headstart in a 200 yard race.

    His IQ is lower than his number that's for sure.

  15. Why talk bad about Chad?? He doesn't get arrested ever...He always comes through on the FOOTBALL field (by the way we should only care about that). Talk about the NFL player with gun charges and shooting the club up. He can say what he wants why take it personal??

    Why do u have to prove u are Ashley R?

  16. His IQ is the same as the position the Bungals will finish in the AFC North---4

  17. The man's ego is boundless. He is an attention grabbing media wh*#e whose IQ is a couple points lower than his jersey number.  

  18. *shaking my head* you have it right Ocho Idioto.  He actually could learn a bit about humility from Phelps.  He is the best in the world and you don't see him trash talking or beating his chest saying how good he is.  

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