
What's China like?

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Bush keeps talking smack about human rights, but I have to wonder....what's China really like?




  1. like hong kong

  2. its like if jesus and ash ketchum had a love child

  3. Its the magical land of dying little girls

    polluted air

    beatings and

    short people

    lol, kidding.

    just go google it

    or wiki


  4. Everyday life in Red China is not pleasant at all . Your home is likely to be a decaying buildings with no running water. Power, in many cases, comes on for a few hours a day at erratic times. Food is scarce, and doctors are even more rare.

    The only souce of entertainment that you have are movie theatres and TV stations controled by the propaganda ministry tellng you how intelligent and omnipotent the leaders are.

    You will have to work 20 hours a day with no fair employment rights or proper pay.

    You will have no human rights, no democracy, no freedom of speech, and no freedom in travel.

  5. I am not pulling your legs but to help you to understand my dilemma, I wish to list down below:-

    talking about human rights, what about people from the middles east especially woman?

    what about Singapore? Nobody could talk a single bad word about the government?

    what about Malaysia? Cant change religion despite freedom of religion,  what about furture PM wannabe who now being charged with sodomy?

    BAck to China, many westerners always laughed at China and called Chinese commies. Hey wait a minute, when did human right is part of Communism.....if there are, then what is Democracy.  This is not meant to be an insult but I cant understand what the westerners want from China. Nothing China did is ok to them!!!  

    But one thing I know is, China is changing slowly but surely!  I AM ALSO sure with higher literacy rates in the future, the Chinese themselves are ready to chose how their country to be run, that is why, Deng Siao Peng has open up China's door and changed it to Capitalism!

    There maybe things that I dont agreed with China but forcing them to changed overnight like US or UK is doing more bad than good to them, now!

  6. China has changed beyond recognition in the last 15 years and must be credited with that. It is trying to change from old to new in a much faster time than any western country ever has. It is not achieving everything at once but it has acheived an incredible amount in the last 15 years. Many people may not have what you think of as a good life but for many it is WAY better than they had before, people now have the opportunity to change, something they didn't have before, It is never going to be possibel for China to be perfect  - no country ever is. You can looka t any country and pick individual things about them that you don;t agree with including your own (wherever you may be) but that doesn not make it ALL bad. China is very modern, has better communications/mobile /internet than a lot of countries and is planning a much higher proportion of its energy from renewable resources than USA for example by 2020. Yes there is pollution, and human rights issues but for a lot of people, everyday life is good.  

  7. go to the dump yard and see  

  8. Go to india and you'll see

  9. Its the government doing all the bad things, not the people. I heard the Chinese culture is amazing!  

  10. Polluted and over-populated. Oh and theres lots of young girl's dead bodies strewn all over the sidewalks.  

  11. china isn't the monster that everbody thinks she is. i'm not criticising Bush, but he really doesn't speak intelligently sometimes. all throughout his reign as president, i haven't really seen a shred of intelligence in his words.

    china does have human rights, for heaven's sake. don't think that just because they're a communist country, they're like stalin's soviet union. they used to be quite oppressive, but they're a lot better now. i have many friends who are native chinese, and when i ask them, they certainly don't feel that they have no human rights. in fact, they feel otherwise. and my friends are not' country bumpkins' , they're intelligent and educated people.

    the USA has always been critical of china. some people even say that we shouldn't listen when Bush talks; because all he's saying is utter rubbish. i didn't say that; i just heard someone saying it once.  

  12. A little like chop sewy.

  13. You gotta like all the answers you get from the experts that have never been - These people just repeat whatever CNN garbage they heard last and do not have any of their own ideas - IDIOTS

    I have been several times (a total of about 10 months) and most of what you hear and see in the media is blown way out of proportion. There is good and bad in EVERY country. I have found the people generally freindly and the food terrific. There is so much to see and experience that you would need a year just to get the highlites. Every region has it's own unique style. One thing that is the same everywhere though is that you haggle over the price of everything, and I mean everything. The language can be  barrier but people make a genuine effort to comunicate if you try to talk to them.

    I never felt woried about my safety there and in many ways there are more freedoms in China than there are here in the west.

    Strongly recomend China as a vacation destination. Everyone should go once and see for themselves what it is really like.

  14. Diesel, i'll see you first in the dump yard.

    Steff, the 1st dead body will be yours.

  15. China

    Is the biggest population in Asia




    1,320,000,000 people

    Major cities

    Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Tianjin

    Rank among countries in area




    More people live in China than live in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Russia, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Japan put together. It’s the world’s biggest country in population and the fourth largest in area. Only Russia, Canada, and the United States are larger.

    China is located in eastern Asia. Its official name is the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese themselves call their country Songhua, which means “Central Country” or “Middle Kingdom.”

    Facts About China  

    Official name People's Republic of China

    Capital Beijing

    Population 1,320,000,000 people

    Rank among countries in population 1st

    Major cities Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Tianjin

    Area 3,700,000 square miles

    9,570,000 square kilometers

    Rank among countries in area 4th

    Highest point Mt. Everest

    29,035 feet/8,850 meters

    Currency Yuan


    One in every five people in the world lives in China. That adds up to about 1.3 billion people in all. The port city of Shanghai is China's largest city. The second biggest city is Beijing, the capital. Each has more than 13 million people!

    China covers more than one-fifth of Asia, the world’s biggest continent. At its widest point, east to west, China extends about 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometers).


    China’s great size gives it almost every kind of terrain and weather. The highest mountains in the world, the Himalayas, lie partly in China’s western territory. China is home to huge, empty deserts in the north and northwest, called the Gobi and the Tackle Maegan. Dense, tropical forests cover slopes and valleys in the far south.

    Asia’s longest river, the Yangtze, flows 3,900 miles (6,300 kilometers) across China before reaching the Pacific Ocean at Shanghai. The river provides water for China’s rich farmlands, where tea, rice, cotton, sugarcane, and soybeans are grown.


    Some kinds of animals that have become extinct elsewhere still survive in China. But China’s growing human population poses a threat to many of these wild animals.

    Southwestern China is home to a famous black-and-white bear called the giant panda. Today, giant pandas are endangered. There are only about 1,000 of them still living in the wild. A small deer, called the Chinese water deer, survives only in Central China and Korea.


    There are many ways to speak the Chinese language. Chinese has different forms that are spoken in different parts of the country. These forms are called dialects. Most Chinese speak one of the Mandarin dialects. In fact, more people speak Mandarin than any other language in the world.

    Most of China’s people are known as Han Chinese. But China also recognizes 55 minority groups. They include Tibetans, Mongols, and many smaller groups. Many minority groups speak their own native languages.


    Chinese civilization is one of the world’s oldest. The earliest Chinese cities go back more than 5,000 years. China influenced the culture of many surrounding countries, including Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.

    China gave the world many famous inventions. The Chinese invented paper and printing. They made the first silk, the first porcelain, and the first compass. Do you like fireworks or kites or playing cards? The Chinese were the first to make these things, too. These inventions gradually spread to other parts of the world.


    Have you ever heard someone say “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself”? If you have, then you know at least one saying from Confucius. It’s sometimes called the “golden rule” of Confucius.

    Confucius was a Chinese teacher and philosopher. He lived about 2,500 years ago. Confucius valued old books and learning. He believed people should respect their elders and parents. He said that leaders could’t rule well if they did’t live a good life. His sayings and teachings are still important in China today.

    Confucius did’t actually write his sayings down. His students and followers did. That’s why many of his thoughts begin with the phrase “Confucius said …”

    Confucianism is just one of several traditional Chinese religions. Taoism and Buddhism are other important ones.


    For thousands of years, dynasties ruled over China. Dynasties were rich and powerful families led by an emperor. The most famous was the Ming dynasty.

    The Ming dynasty built the Great Wall of China starting in the late 1400s to protect China from outside invaders. The wall winds thousands of miles across northern China and is the longest structure ever built.

    The Ming dynasty also built the Forbidden City in Beijing. This was a beautiful palace surrounded by walls that no ordinary people could enter. That’s changed. Today, anyone can visit the Forbidden City. It’s one of China’s biggest tourist attractions.

    In the early 1900s, the last Chinese dynasty fell. Bitter fighting and a civil war broke out. In 1949, the civil war ended and Mao Zedong, the head of the Communist Party, became leader of China. The Communist Party still rules China today.


    For many years, China was closed to people and products of the outside world. But China has changed a lot. In the 1980s and 1990s, it opened its doors to visitors and trade. China’s economy grew quickly.

    Millions of people have moved from the countryside into cities to find work. In the cities, there are thousands of factories that produce many of the toys, clothes, and machines sold today in the United States and other countries. Although China remains poor by world standards, it is rapidly catching up with more developed countries

    at least china is one of the biggest countries they are one of the most plenty of gold in Olympics china in hongkong there is the biggest Buddha there in china you can see the great wall of china to like protect them from Mongolian there are plenty of their natives their cultures you should learn about their cultures
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