
What's DXM like ?

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what does it feel like when your on it what do you see or something etc

and what cough medicine is the best choice that contains dxm?




  1. Well a friend of mine was at my house and drank a whole bottle of the robitussin regular. It was quite interesting. I can't tell you from personal experience but his trip was not unlike most trips from what he said, bright colors, you feel different, sudden realizations, life awakenings, things of that nature. This lasted from about 4 in the afternoon until about 10, then he was in my bathroom throwing up for like an hour. I hate throwing up, so I haven't tried it. .

  2. i took it once a full bottle of robitussin and boy did i have a great time.  it is a totally unique trip, not like lsd or mushrooms or salvia. it really messes up your spacial dimensions.  like i was laying down on my friends floor and i thought i was standing up.  it seemed like time didnt exist.  it lasted really long, for almost a day. i have since done it a few mores times.  you should get robitussin whith the active ingredient dextromethoprhan, make sure it doesnt have any thing else in it like spuedophedrin or guaf that will just mess with the trip.  enjoy.
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