
What's Germany's population distribution?

by Guest63446  |  earlier

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Doing a project on Germany. Would like some help with the followings questions:

1) How is the German population distributed? Are there more people in the West or East? South or North? Examples of cities?

2) What part of Germany is more industrialized? what part is rual?

3) What part of the country are immigrants moving to (west, east, or cities). Is the general population moving east to west?

Thanks alot




  1. generally all the easteners are moving west....for is your industry area for the most is your sea port area....major cities are bonn berlin munchen frankfurt dusseldorf there are many just look at a map.  every one of the 16 region areas are different in germany and they all have a little different way of speaking and culture....(and germany is only as big as montana)  it would be hard to single them all down to fit your questions...

  2. In Germany living over 82 Million people.

    More than 6 Million are immigrants working and living here. More people are in the West. More industries also in the West, but building more than 15 years also in the East. Most immigrants are living in the West, they came here beginning 1960's.

    I hope I can help you with my answers.

  3. Most populated state: Nordrhein-Westfalen with the Ruhr Area megalopolis. Lots of heavy industry there, similar to Detroit area or North England. Coal mining and steel work are important there. High unemployment in recent years.

    Least populated areas: Northern Sachsen-Anhalt (Altmark), followed by rural Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and rural Brandenburg. Food producing industry (farming and food processing) in these areas. Very high unemployment, lots of young and well-educated people moving away.

    Most desirable area to live in: Southern Germany, especially in commuting distance to Munich and Stuttgart. Low unemployment, high salaries but high cost of housing too.

    Thousands of East Germans spent their weeks working in South and Western Germany and commute home every weekend to see their families. They often drive 700 kms each way, often averaging 50,000 miles or more per year on their cars.

  4. 1) in West Germany the population is approx. 66 Mill. and in the former German Democratic Republic DDR (eastern part) its approx. 16 Mill.

    The Western part of West-Germany is the most populated area with Citys like Cologne,Düsseldorf,Dortmund,Essen (all around 600tsd, Cologne 1 mill.)

    Munich in the South has 1.7 mill and Stuttagrt in the southwest 750tsd, Frankfurt in the middle got 670tsd.

    2) The West is the most industrialized (Ruhrgebiet) coal mines, heavy steel, automobile,mashinery and more.

    Northwest and Northeast are very rual also some parts of Bavaria and the SouthWest. The Northern Part towards Denmark is also very rual.

    3) in general the population is moving westward. Former DDR lost 4 mill people in 10 years, they most likely go to areas with work opportunities.

    Immigrants go where they think they find work, big citys like Hamburg, Berlin,Munich,Frankfurt,Cologne.

    Berlin got 275000 Turkysh, Cologne 175000 Turkysh people.

    Some citys like Cottbus in the very far east at the border to Poland lost 1/3 of their population in 15 years.Young people don't find work in the east and leave. Cottbus became famous because 1/2 of the people living there are older than 55.

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