
What's Going On???????????

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I'm 6wks 1 day preg & every time I wipe there's a pinkish light reddish color (for the last 5 days) & I'm having some mild cramping. I currently have a BV infection (I get them recurring) & now I might also have yeast.

I went to the ER earlier today & the resident there gave me a visual exam & said the pinkish reddish discharge is due to the infection. I've had BV at least 30 different times & NEVER EVER has this been one of the symptoms.

She took my blood to check my beta levels but discharged me before the results came back & told me to call in to get the results. I called & they told me to come back for an ultrasound because the beta levels were very high (47,000). I went back & the ultrasound was normal.

They told me that this might be a threatened m/c & that I need to follow up with my OB doc in the next 2 days to see how the hormone level changes.

I researched the normal HCG levels & it seems that I fall into the normal range for 6wks 1 day but if this is true then they gave me the wrong info & I still don't have an explanation as to why there's this pinkish reddish color every time I wipe.





  1. it sounds to me like your cervix is just irritated from the infection(it gets irritated allot easier during pregnancy)the yeast infection isn't helping either...i wouldn't be worried unless there were massive amounts of blood, in filling a pad an hour with thick,red,blood.that mild cramping you describe could be round ligament pain(very common in early preg)

  2. I didn't even find out I was pregnant until 6 wks and I had pink spotting a lot. Then at 3 months I had bright red bleeding and went to the ER and the baby was fine. It could be due to stress or just your body adjusting getting stuff out that isn't a part of the pregnancy. As long as the doctors say you are ok I wouldn't worry about it. See what they can do about your BV and I'm sure it will all be fine.  

  3. since tomorrow is a regular day go straight to the doctors office... do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars.  On a serious note. you need to see your ob-gyn immediately.  

  4. I am sorry but i dont know what bv stands for but if it means bladder infection then this can be possible. and the yeast infection on top of this can give this effect. you should deffinitly follow up with your doctor to see what is going on. she can give you the true answer to what you are looking for.

  5. I am sorry but I don't know what BV infection is. If you are referring to a bladder infection then yes you can have some pink drainage.

    However the fact that you said you have never noticed pink drainage previously is a reason to expect an explanation.In addition to that your cramping is not a good sign, although a bladder infection can cause cramping.

    When you say the resident gave you a visual exam you mean a pelvic exam was performed? Meaning you were up on a table and feet in sturrups, and they looked at your cervix and also did a manual exam?  Did the resident palpate your uterus? If not why not. That should be explained.

    I believe what they are trying to tell you is that you may lose the pregnancy and you NEED TO SEE AN OB doc within two days!!!

    Have you called your OBGYN? Do You have one?

    If you do not have an OBGYN call the ER and tell them, it is their job to assign you one or give you a list of local OB doc's

    If the bleeding increases or changes,  or you have further cramping you should absolutely go back to the ER. Tell the resident you want to speak to the Attending Physician before you are discharged again from the ER.They cannot deny you this.

    The resident cannot make independent decisions about your care, they must be supervised by an Attending Physician. Every July new baby residents meaning they have only had classroom training no clinical/hospital training are released at teaching hospitals and start their clinical/ hospital training, That means, today being September 1, that your resident may have only been a doctor in the hospital for 8 weeks. It is very important to speak to the supervising Attending Physician.

    If I were you I would take my partner or a friend or family member with me.

    If possible have your partner, friend or family member stay with you during the pelvic exam.

    Make sure you do no leave the hospital until you understand what is happening to you and what you are supposed to do if there are changes and what those changes could be.

    Good luck

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