
What's In It For Bush (war, 9/11 conspiracies, etc.)?

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I'm sure this has been covered numerous times, but there doesn't seem to be any consensus of opinion about Bush's motives.

So can someone explain it to me like a 6 y/o?

Why or how would Bush benefit from the war?

The economy is in the toilet right now.

And why on earth would he have anything to gain from the events of 9/11.

Sure the guy's an idiot (IMHO), but I don't think he's a terrorist.

Or someone convince me. Like I'm a 6 y/o.




  1. peddling's big business...plain and simple...Bush is an internationalist...he doesn't care what happens as long as his pockets are fat.

  2. He wants to be the sole distributor of that doll your holding in the Middle East.

  3. As a student of investment strategies, I could probably find numerous ways to profit off of triumphs and tragedies. I'm not saying that tragedies like Hurrican Katrina and 9/11 are a good thing, but there are ways you can benefit from them.

    I do not however think that anyone would be smart enough to hedge against the costs of 9/11 and plan it so they could earn a profit. The attacks took a heavy toll on almost all of Wall St., and the few areas id didn't where insignificant.

    To conspire such a plan would not be worth the economic costs and the loss of so many innocent lives, plus, if they really were smart enough to pull it off with a reasonable profit, I'm sure there wouldn't be half as many conspiracy theorists out there.

    Now some may claim it benefited the owner for insurance policies, but he was actually denied any funds because they do not cover terrorist attacks, or not back then anyways. And as for the war in Iraq, well come on, he's a Bush. It's in his blood to go there for whatever reason you can come up with.

    He didn't 9/11 to go there, and I'm sure they could have conspired better ways to make a profit than to cause such a disaster. But I will give the theorists some credit for being watchdogs- every government has its skeptics.

  4. Bush gains are irrelevant.  He wasn't the mastermind.  9-11 was masterminded by suits above him, inside and above the government.

    The government was used as a tool in the 9-11 attacks.  The Arabs with box cutters may have been involved, they did not pull it off without help from the government.

    Your question is far too broad to cover here.  Jonnie above has provided good points for you to start your own research.  Your question "why" is the correct one to ask for anyone starting out with 9-11 research.  It is pointless to focus on the "how" until you understand the "why".

  5. Bush didn't benefit from the war, but those who put him in the White House did. They are companies like Raytheon, Halliburton, Blackwater, the Carlisle Group and GE.

    They have made billions out of govt. contracts handed out since the start of the war, which is money they simply wouldn't have made without it........ Ker-ching. Take a close look at the people on the boards of these companies, and it reads like a who's-who of Republican party grandees.

    And If you look closely at the contracts they won, they were all closed-bid contracts, which means they were not competitively tendered; they were just gifted to the companies. That means that they were massively bad value to the tax payer (Halliburton charging you $75 for a hammer and $120 for a plastic toilet seat were just two well-known examples).

    What Bush himself had to gain from 9/11 is simply this: Image. Being the president of a country like the USA means keeping an awful lot of people happy. Now if you can't do this by creating a strong economy, which everyone wants (and it is now clear that Bush has been a disaster in that department), then you need to offer them something else.

    By helping the terrorists commit 9/11, the Republicans were able to create this image of Bush as a no-nonsense, all-American, gunslinging war hero, which is a complete reversal of his actual record as a cowardly draft dodger who went AWOL even when his daddy's friends managed to get him a cushy posting away from Vietnam in the Texas Air National Guard.

    So, even though they were responsible for ignoring 15 warnings from 12 countries in the short time they were in the White House before 9/11, even though they were responsible for depriving the Eastern seaboard of most of their air cover by sending jets off on mysterious exercises just before 9/11, even though they lied about almost every aspect of the unfolding of the attack, even though they engineered the collapse of building 7 by planting explosives in it, they have managed, with the careful help of the media, to sell this idea that without the Republicans in power, America is MORE vulnerable.

    So in effect, all you basically get for voting Republican is simply a vague promise that they will protect your äss from future terrorist attacks (in spite of the fact that they were either directly responsible for the last one through evil intent or gross incompetence)

    The fact is that the Republican party is basically a vehicle for the military and industrial elite to take control of tax payers' money and to secure the natural resources of countries like Iraq so that China doesn't get them.

    That is very important for the USA to do because much of America's national debt is owed to the Chinese, and they could bankrupt Uncle Sam tomorrow if they chose to. This puts America in a vulnerable position. Clearly not something that the likes of Cheney want to be in. By controlling Middle East oil, they have more control over the Chinese economy.

    The USA has a long history of terrorism and subverting democratically elected governments. Don't believe me? Google these names and do a little research yourself: Jacobo Arbenz, Salvador Allende, Mohammed Mossadegh, Operation Northwoods.

    Then go to YouTube and do the same. You will be staggered by what you learn about the brutality of the CIA.

    One day, Americans will wake up and realise just how much they are completely owned by a very small elite, and far from living in "the land of the free and home of the brave", they are living in the land of the thief and the home of the terrorist.

  6. Gold went through the roof. (dont buy gold now, bad investment)

    War is profitable

    Sudaam got executed

    When the people are taken from to feed Bush and his rich friends pockets, the economy will stink.

    WTC 7 (3rd tower) fell, which destroyed incriminating documents for several large corperations.

    Sept 10 2001, Rumsfeld announced that trillions of dollars were unaccounted for in the world trade centers.

    One man owned all three towers, which he purchased roughly a month before 9/11.  He was told there was asbestos and they would have to be gutted and cleaned out.  Very expensive.  That man got about 7 billion dollars profit from the insurance.

    All this stuff is on youtube, why don't you look it up.

  7. Holy cow, the gains were enormous. You've already gotten a good deal of the answer from Jonnie. As far as anyone saying Bush was the master mind behind it all, I haven't really heard that. There is a government behind the government. They set it up. They made it so Cheney would be in control on that day cause let's face it, Bush is an idiot. Thus the reason for Bush to be reading a book in a class room in Florida. Yes, he was very much in the know but the real work of standing down the military defense was left in the hands of Cheney.

    Besides the benefits already mentioned, there was the very unpatriotic Patriot Act passed and Bush himself signed the Open Borders Policy in an unprecedented scenario in which the bill never went through Congress before Bush signed it.

    Bush also got to settle a score Dad had with Sadaam Hussein. The Bush's had a business relationship with Bin Laden and only used his name to strike fear in Americans. He's not even wanted by the FBI for 9/11 crimes cause they say they have no solid proof.

    Rumsfield gave a speech on 9/10, the day before the attacks about 2.3 trillion dollars being unaccounted for from the Department of Defense. Conveniently, the so called plane to hit the Pentagon the following day hit where the DOD budget records are kept.

    Other than that you really shouldn't be concerned what's in it for Bush cause he's just doing what he's told for the most part from people who helped make him president.

    To understand the gains from 9/11 and the war on a much more grand scale, you have to be aware of the agenda of those actually in control of the US. It is a movement toward a 1 world government. Some know it as the NWO. Bush's father even spoke of the New World Order. (youtube, search George Bush New World Order)

    Great strides have been made toward a 1 world government since 9/11. Britain is already in the European Union. And as I already pointed out Bush signed the Open Borders Policy which is a giant move toward the North American Union. RFID chips are already mandatory in new US passports and the people's liberties are already being imposed on.

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