I'm bored, so I'll ask. What do you keep in your diaper bag?
We have a few diaper bags - one that we mainly use. It is very large. We have the triplets now, so our diaper bag is always jammed full. In it, we usually keep: 3 extra outfits(top&bottom), 3 extra hats, 3 pairs of socks, 1 can of formula(they are adopted, so I can't breastfeed), 3 baby bottles, 3 bottles of water for making bottles, a container of Gerber's Fruit Puffs, at least 9 diapers, a small container of wipes, travel size baby lotion, baby/toddler sunscreen, hand sanitizer, 3 receiving blankets, some baby toys, and a few board books. For my 4 year olds, in the same diaper bag, we keep a few snacks and drinks, a few toys, and a hat/sunglasses if they aren't wearing them and we'll be outside. For trips 2 hours or less, I put 3 diapers, a bag of wipes, and one or two toys in my purse. Plus they each bring a bottle of milk with.
Plus in each of our cars, we have a plastic storage container with four drawers, that is kept in the back. Each one holds, extra outfits, snacks for Cami and Aidan, Gerber's Fruit Puffs, a few blankets, sweatshirts/sweaters for the babies/pre-schoolers, some toys for babies and C&A, several bottles of water, hand sanitizer, lotion, sunscreen, a few drinks for C&A, hats, and sunglasses.
I pack way to much stuff, haha. How about you?