
What's India like?

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i want the best answer maybe you're asking yourself why i want the best answe? because i want to busy India.




  1. if u want experience the whole earth dont go around the world

    come to india not by geographically also historically, economically  it hsa everything in the world, u can find here worlds hottest deserts coolest mountains, highest peaks

    oldest civilizations most costliest diamonds and poorest people lovabl perfumes beautiful women (38 % employees in NASA America and 40%  of Microsoft are indians) everything in the world

  2. its full of a rich culture, great food.beautiful people both inside and out, wonderful knowklegeable past..and full of friendly people...a beauitiful ,intelligent country with heart

  3. i went to india last year. It is packed with epople. You would be amazed by how they manuvre themselves on the streets. Its insane. Houses are samll and packed in the cities and in so areas there are a lot of homeless. I also went by train to another town. Trains are nothing compared to here. there soo crowded and slow.

  4. its very good the people there are friendly and the food is great... i reccomend anyone who wants to travel to visit

  5. An united country.

  6. Sorry, India is NOT FOR SALE !

  7. india is an impoverished place with poor people that pretend to be rich......if you won't believe pursue your plan...see for yourself

  8. a rat's sewer

  9. Hot

  10. Certainly India do not like, what you are thinking.

  11. i dint get you

    try to be more specific

    need more info on india???


    its good

    good luck

  12. try bethnal green no need for a passport not many of the residents there have one either

  13. why keep the muslims away? i mean at the end of the day the whole population that makes up india are the muslims. you telin me you want to get rid of the acters 2? im sure everyone loves shahrukh, saif , salman n amir!

  14. Incredible

  15. India is like a FREE WORLD if we are an indian we can move anywhere anyplace in this country everyone in this country will give respect to others.

  16. India is a great country to see and understand. It is the land of gods and is famous for its unity in diversity, and a lot more..

    India lies in South Asia between latitudes 8 degree 4' and 37 degree 5' North and longitudes 68 degree 7' and 97 degree 25' East. It is bound on the South-West by Arabian Sea and on the South-East by the Bay of Bengal. On the North-East & North-West lie Himalayan ranges. The Southern tip, Kanyakumari is washed by the Indian Ocean. It covers a total land area of 32,87,782 sq. kms., measuring 3214 kms. from North to South and 2933 kms. from East to West. It has a land frontier of 15200 kms and a coast line of about 6100 kms. excluding Lakshdeep, Andaman & Nicobar islands.

    Some Known and Unknown Facts :

    * India has never invaded any country in her last 10,000 years of history.

    * India invented the number system. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.

    * India established the world's first University at Takshasila in 700 B.C.

    * Sanskrit is the mother of all European languages. It is the best suited language for computer software (Forbes magazine, July 1987).

    * Ayurveda is the earliest system of medicine known to humans.

    * The art of navigation originated in the river Sindh 6000 years ago. Navigation comes from the Sanskrit word "Nav Gatih".

    * Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by earth to orbit the sun as 365.258756484 days (in 5th century A.D).

    * In the 6th century A.D Budhayana calculated the value of pi . Quadratic equations were propunded by Sridharacharya in the 11th century.

    * According to the Gemological Institute of America , upto 1896, India was the only source for diamonds.

    * IEEE has proved an age old suspicion that the pioneer of wireless communication is Jagdish Bose and not Marconi.

    * The earliest reservoir and dam was built in Saurashtra, India during Chandragupta Maurya's time (300 B.C)

    * Chess originated in India.

    * Susruta is known as the father of surgery, performing complex surgeries as many as 2600 years ago.
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