
What's One Thing you Should Never Do While watching A Football Match?

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i think u should neva use the bathroom..i mean do it beforehand so u don't miss anything! it happens to me all the time!




  1. - invite over a friend who only watches the other "football"

    - leave house during halftime and try to come back on time

    - scream GOALLL during replay just cuz u missed it live

  2. never change the channel just to watch American Idol

    made me miss 2 goals one time

  3. Root for "Club America" because "Oh it's an American team"

    WRONG MIS AMIGO(A)S .. they're from Mexico City !!

  4. hi FF mate

    never stand up and go nuts when your team scores whilst everyone around you stays seated given you a "gonna kick your head in look"...because you totally forgot you went with your mate but had to sit with the home fans cause that was the only way to get a ticket............

  5. Wolf-whistle Gerrard.........Rafa gets jealous.

  6. Never forget to lock your bedroom door.

  7. you should never have s*x............i mean its either or not both together (i definitley can't do both at the same time)......... i'd pick watching football any day

  8. i think we should never celebrate a victory until the game is over.  I think we all remember the Euro 2000 final , France vs. Italy, when France tied the game at the 90th minute, and when on to win it by scoring the golden goal in over time.  

  9. Go to the toilet!

    I always miss a goal if I do that.

  10. Talk about something that's not football related, answer the phone, or text messaging.  

  11. what i NEVER do is Answer Phone calls..

    i do NOT want to be disturbed, ya know?


    As for your bathroom problem, just bring the Telly in there with you.


  12. support Manchester United

  13. Put laxatives in your friends drink....

    Because your bathroom will have to be cautioned off till next weeks game.

  14. haha nahh ,that happend to me wc final on the penelties!!!

    through out or get sick or sleep. or do your hw!!.

  15. I think I (me and only me :D) should never do it with Imilya. I might end up losing most of the match getting involved in other types of erm "scoring" :D

  16. Never? That would be "Root for Tottenham."

  17. watch it with someone supporting the opposing team (done it and it wasn't pretty)

    lmao @ adriana, i hate when people walk in front of the tv too. I also hate it when people are constantly talking during a match (especially about a different topic) my twin has a habit of doing that to the point where i want to tape her mouth shut.

    dlanor dont remind me of that....the memory still haunts me =/

  18. You should never:

    Go to the bathroom

    Answer the phone (I turn my phone off when I watch games lol)

    Drink a lot of liquids so you can avoid having to use the bathroom lol

    Watch the game with someone rooting for the other team. (did that before, let's say the other person won't ever watch a game with me again ;)

    Blink or take your eyes off the screen, you may miss something!

    Let anyone walk in front of the television while your watching a game. (my brother did that during the Italy-France game during Euro 2008 and I nearly murdered him!)

  19. Get your nails done right before an important game.

    But while I learned it's best to not try to multitask cleaning the bathroom and running whenever something interesting is said by the announcers but then you forget the floor is wet and =\\  

  20. 1) go to the bathroom

    2)hear other people talk instead of the annoying

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