
What's PBP and all the other lingo?

by Guest57471  |  earlier

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I thought I was catching on until I saw PBP.

Aparents- adoptive parents

Nparents/mother/father/family- natural

PAP- Prospective adoptive parents?

So is PBP prospective birth parents?

What else is there?




  1. I think these abbreviations are a way of depersonalizing and belittling real people.  Please, posters, spell things out so everyone knows who you are talking about.  Some people on this board are very new to adoption.

  2. Hmm, no idea what PBP means. If it is supposed to stand for Prospective Birth Parent, then in my opinion it isn't a term that should be used, because regardless of whether you use the term "birth parent" or not, if they have not yet relinquished and are still "Prospective" then they are NOT Birth parents -- at that point they are still just "parents," or "expectant parents."

    The use of ackronyms is actually fairly minimal around here, as it should be for a place where a lot of people would not know the lingo. In other forums devoted to adoption, I've seen adoptive parents refered to simply as APs (or even APes, but only used tongue firmly in cheek by us APes ourselves <grin>). And yes PAPs gets used quite a bit. I've sometimes seen AAs for Adult Adoptees, but pretty rarely (maybe because AA already means Alcoholics Anonymous and no one want to be seen as confusing the two).

    Aside from what is understood (and being understandable should be the first priority)  I generally object to too much abbreviation of groups of which one is not a part -- that seems a little disrespectful to me. If someone wants to poke a little fun at a group to which they themselves belong, then that seems harmless, but for someone not in a group to label like that is a different thing. But if a terms is widely used by members of a group then it becomes common lingo and anyone can use it, in the group or not. An example might be just writing LGBTIQ or simply q***r instead of spelling all those terms out (and yeah, I do self identify as one of those, so I figure I'm cool either way!).

    Other terms on here: OBC = Original Birth Certificate, the one with the information about the actual birth on it. And I think the counterpart would be ABC for Amended Birth Certificate, but I can't say I've seen that much.

    I'm sure there's more, if I see them I'll add them.

  3. LOL I'm so far behind on all this abbreviated lingo. I haven't got a clue.


  4. I don't get some of the lingo either, when I gave up my daughter, I was called the birth mother, so that is what I will continue to be. Thanks for some clarification, because i had no idea what PAP stood for, back in 1972, everything was hush hush.

  5. Guessing-prospective birth parents???

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