
What's Suppose to Happen The Year Of 2012 ?????

by Guest56674  |  earlier

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What's Suppose to Happen December 21st. 2012?




  1. That is the day global warming will officially come to an end. When Al Gore invented global warming he set an expiration date of December 21, 2012. This is little known by most people and would have been lost forever had not one of his housekeepers sto;en a page out of one his manuscpripts. On this page he had written: On December 21, 2012 I will announce to the world that I should forever be known as the best joker in the same class as PT Barnum global warming was a hoax. .

  2. Scientists don't expect anything out of the ordinary to happen in the year 2012, or specifically on the date December 21, other than the solstice, which happens every year.

    None of the "predicted" happenings for 2012 hold up under close scrutiny. "Planet X" and "Nibiru" simply don't exist. The Mayan calendar ends a cycle, but there were no predictions of the end of the world. The Sun doesn't line up with the galactic centre; it's 6 degrees off. No asteroids or comets are actually predicted to hit Earth.

    All of this stuff was put together by crackpots in order to promote their books and TV shows, and shamelessly promoted by the History Channel. Don't take any of it seriously!

  3. Nothing, all the 2012 disaster stuff is all lies, fraud, foolishness and abject superstition.  It is intended to promote faked up documentaries on Fox TV, faked up books and faked up DVDs and to direct traffic to fraudulent websites.  

    Planet X, galactic central planes, magnetic poles moving, Nibiru, geographic poles moving, asteroids, Nostradamus, the I Ching, Bible codes, Revelation,  photon belts, planetary alignments, the Mayan calendar and all the rest are unmitigated drivel.

    Anyone who predicts disaster in 2012 is a liar or a fool.  No exceptions.

  4. the maya calender ends and so the rumor that the world will end showed up and nobody can say what will happen until December 22nd 2012 (the day after "dooms day" because then if we don't die there was nothing to worry about...

  5. Your BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll get OLDER!! lol

  6. It will be our 42nd wedding anniversary.

  7. Its said to be the end of time.

    Since the mayan calernder is rite bout a lot of thinz

    So who knoz

  8. Elections?

  9. I don't know about Dec 21st but the most likely thing to happen in 2012 is the London Olympics.  (the world isn't going to end if thats what you're driving at...)

  10. its not the 21st its the 23rd

  11. nothing...

  12. the maya calender runs out, and the world is supposedly gonna end!

  13. I'm been researching a lot on this subject.

    According to the mayans their calendar ends, and they say the world will end.

    The bible says it will be the beginning of a new time.

    Scientifically the earth will line up with the milky way galaxy where there will be a huge black whole causing the north and south poles on the earth to shift. which will cause a big mess and some are saying that the U.S. will be ocean....there are many different theories and there are things that are proven..what is suppost to happen also happened around the same time that dinosaurs were extinct. although the most recent rumor i've heard is that only England will be effected but i dont know if i believe that.

  14. according to somebodys dooms day chart it's the end of the world as we know it.

  15. Nothing is "supposed" to happen. There is no such thing as predestined events.  

  16. the mayan calender is complete. Nostradamus predicts the end of the earth. the last pope is ordained.  

  17. i graduate in 2012, from high school,

    should be nice, i hope i make it lol jk i will

  18. pretty much nothing.

    its amazing how many lies are told about predictions... lies that are easily checked for accuracy, but the ironic thing is, nobody seems to care.  For example, Nostrildamus never accurately predicted ANYTHING!  Sure, AFTER someone breaks their neck falling out of a tree trying to rescue a cat, an "expert" says "Oh, look!  Nostrildamus predicted that!"  and instead everyone  saying "WTF are you talking about?  It's freaking gibberish!"  A lot of people believe it!  No @#$%!  I am not makiing this up!  People believe just about ANYTHING!

  19. idk but THE WORLD IS NOT GOING TO END..just GOD knows when...

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