
What's The BEST Way To Catch A Commie In America? What Would You Do With Them?ForTreason, Usurping Government?

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They Don't Believe in Free Speech, Fair Trials, Owning Property and Would Love to Destroy the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. If You Were the Investigator, Judge or Jury What would You Do?




  1. I would check my calendar.

    Communism hasn't been an issue since 1988, when the Soviet Union dissolved.

    Trying living in the present for a change.

  2. Communism is a failed economic policy.  Its gone...stop trying to make it a real deal.

    Some of your points are amazing.  Were you aware that the Bush administration has encouraged the use of Eminent Domain (the taking over of private property by the government) for private purposes?  The whole complaint about the prisoners in Gitmo centers on the right to fair trials.  And Bush's tame Attorney General is avoiding the hot seat so he won't have to explain why he allowed Bush to make a hash out of the Constitution.  At least two of his rulings have been reversed in the Supreme Court... with seven out of twelve of those jurists appointed by Republican presidents.

    So tell me, once you stop chasing those ephemeral commies out from under your bed... what are you going to do about the real threat to our way of life?  

    Are you for the impeachment of George W. Bush?

  3. That is tough. It is sooo mush easier too catch a Fascist or a n**i. As the n**i's alone Out Number the Commie's. I suppose that you could count Fascists (You do know what a Fascist  "IS" don't you?) as "Right Wing" Commie's (they are For Companies having More Rights then Humans! Profits above People! Is a Fascists motto.) Then you can do some Hunting!

    Just set-up some B.S. Energy Trading Company. Call it Enron. Manipulate the flow of energy too certian markets. Too Artifically Inflate prices. Then take a Million or two and give it too the Republican Party!

    You do know how to tell a Fascist don't you?

    There's a tube that runs from their Colon, straight to their brain.

    So there's how to I.D. and catch a "Rightie" Commie in America. Now for What I would do with them. Hmmmmmmmm.

    I would bring them up on charge's of High Treason. For giving Congress Falsified information and Lying too America about Why we must attack a country that had Nothing to do with Sept. 11th 2001. And for lying about why Haliburton (d**k Cheney's Company) had 3+ months notice prior to the Decission to Start a war with a country that did Nothing too America. And therefore, Haliburton was awarded the contracts without going thru a bidding process against other Companies so we could get the best Deal. Because Haliburton had over 3 months to get ready to be the best Equipted to handler the Job.

    Theres what too do with them.

    High Treason is punishable by the same rules as Agravated Murder for Serial Killers. I good with that, You?

    And your right, they don't believe in Free Speech (or Jokes even ) that might make them look bad. As for getting a fair Trial? Just look at Git-mo and the undisclosed locations where Torture is a Dayly game. Land Grabs and Destroying the Environment of This Country! In the Name of Greed! Not even Gaurding Our boarders! (Greed, That is the Root of All Evil kids) No regaurd for the Constitution or Bill of Rights, What so Ever! Until it comes to Covering their own r****m with it.

    I hope this Helps in your decissions!

    Bless your little heart!

    Better Dead then Red!

    President Obama!

  4. Charge them with perjury i.e. lying in court.

  5. Give him a fair trial and hang him in the morning. LOL

  6. The best way to catch a commie is to institute a fascist government that temporarily suspends Free Speech, Fair Trials, Owning Property and Destroy the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, because they just get in the way when it comes to purging commies.  Seig Hail!

  7. give him a copy of old classic 'iron heel'. if he embraces it he is a red. before trying him for his crime of being a communist better you purchase another copy of the Jack London's heel and read it.

  8. I would basically send them back to Russia or China or whatever Country is commie. Odds are North Korea right now...

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