
What's The Best Drink For Tennis?

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Like most people might drink powerade/gatorade and some would drink water, what would be the best drink to make you play the best you can?




  1. Water. And maybe after your game you can drink some gatorade or powerade. You shouldnt drink during or before a match because tennis has alot of running. Gatorade and powerade make your heart beat faster and with all that running your heart will beat even faster. There is a chance that you could get a heart attack from it. So i say water, then after match gatorade or powerade. (favorite gatorade orange flavor)

  2. You should drink a little water and gatorade. The gatorade gives you sugar and protiens and water hydrates you.

  3. for rehidration Gatorade/Powerade

    Thurst = Water

    Cheers x*x Gordo x*x

  4. A combination of a bottle of water and another bottle with a high energy protein drink. If you want recipes search the web. NEVER drink caffeine drinks before a match though! Hope i helped. xoxo

  5. gatorade/powerade is great.. but i don't like spending on them so i always bring water and a certain type of fruit water & apple or orange juice together most of the time...

    then a piece of banana =)

    but never chug the drink and down the banana in one stop =).. although i'm sure you already know that

    good luck on your match

  6. Most tennis pros drink water, but they often add a vitamin powder to their water that gives them an energy boost and builds their muscles.  =]

  7. Hmm Isostar will rehydrate you quicker and avoid cramp as it has salts, sugars and electrolytes. It's what most athlete's use and it tastes a whole lot better than most energy drinks.

  8. Water

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