
What's The Difference between 720p and 1080p?

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I have a Panasonic Old TV in my living room 27"inch and it's a great TV. I was thinking of buying a 32" Plasma or LCD, depending on how the lighting is in my bedroom. What TV should I buy and what brand did you choose and what things did you look for in buying a TV? Should I buy a TV now was thinking of buying a Samsung LCD TV $700 with 8,000 Contrast ratio. Or should I wait until 2009 for better deals? Are they easy to install myself or should I have a package deal for $1,600 with a PS3 plus installation?




  1. Wow ... I'd need to write a book to answer that list of questions! Here's a brief reply.

    720 p vs 1080p refers to the way the picture is drawn (the "p" means "progressive" ... one line after another vertically) and the number of dots or pixels that make up the picture from top to bottom. Most flatpanel HDTVs are considered 720p if they have display panels with 1280x720 or 1366x768 pixels (2 most common sizes), and 1080p if they have 1920x1080 pixels. The more pixels available the finer the detail possible in the picture.  But the higher resolution is only important if you have a suitable source (Blu-ray disks for example, since all HDTV is only 720p or 1080i) and sit close enough to see the extra detail.

    If buying a smaller HDTV you are probably best with LCD. Plasma is best for larger (40"+) models and/or for brighter rooms. Plasma uses more electricity, but is less prone to motion blur.

    Prices may continue to drop, but current prices are pretty good. As to brands, read reviews on any model you want to consider.

    Installing an HDTV is easy ... although an HDTV alone doesn't give you HD. To get HD you need HD programming (Cable or satellite)you must pay extra for or get an off the air antenna (if you have local stations).

    Buy on the basis of size for the room. After size, contrast ratio (higher is better) and resolution are the most important. But don't worry much about specs (since they can be very misleading), let your eyes decide.

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