
What's Tiger Woods real name????

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What's Tiger Woods real name????




  1. Eldrick Tont Woods

  2. Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods.

    At birth, Woods was given "Eldrick" and "Tont" as first and middle names, respectively. His middle name, Tont, is a traditional Thai name. He got his nickname from a Vietnamese soldier friend of his father, Vuong Dang Phong, to whom his father had also given the "Tiger" nickname. He became generally known by that name and by the time he had achieved national prominence in junior and amateur golf, he was simply known as "Tiger" Woods.

  3. Pat B. is right on all accounts, but he legally changed his name to Tiger after he turned Pro.

  4. BALDrick   Woods, for all you Jim Rome clones out there.


  5. Eldrick Woods.

    His father's friend always used to call him Tiger so after a while his dad just called him Tiger as well.

    Hope that helped!

  6. Eldrick Woods

  7. Superman !!!!!!!!!

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