
What's Wrong.Whole Description Of What I Feel And Symptoms.Please Answer cuz sometimes i never get answerd?

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so from time to time i get this pressure in my head or tightness or something,and i get dizzy, unbalanced, and feel weird. it also causes stabbing pain that is not severe but mild and goes away then it comes back, and sometimes i get headaches that last 5-15 minutes or 5-10. like at 4 in the morning i wake up and have a bad headache but then it goes away and i go to sleep 2 min later, and i wake up feeling tired, but no headache. i sometimes feel vertigo, lightheaded, dizzy, and shaky but shaking very little and its my fingers and arms. i get bone pain from time to time and sometimes feel stiff and feeling paralyzed but when i hit, scratch myself i can feel it and i can also move. when i breath i hear a whistling sound high pitched and usually when i get bad i get shortened of breath too. my face hurts to but not bad and i get stiff in my jaw and hurts. oh and my forehead hurts to but goes away like a second later. my neck feels stiff to and it hurts there to but it goes away maybe an hour later with all the other things my head. i watch a lot of tv and use computer really close. i sometimes get caught up on my speech and i forget recent things but not severely. i think i have sleep apnea, but not so sure because my mom said i would gasp for air

when i was yoounger but now in the past week i haven't experienced it, or my moms.i am also under a lot of stress lately thinking about what's wrong with me and if i might die. i recently stopped working out and exercising like a month ago, playing football and before that track and field. really heavy stuff.REALLY SORRY ABOUT ALL OF THIS BUT NEED TO KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING. AND I HAVE ALREADY BEEN TO DOCTOR. SAID IT WAS NOTHING BUT I THINK IT' S SOMETHING. ANSER PLEASE




  1. Don't know how old you are but it sounds like a combo of things.

    1) Waking up with headaches & facial pain are common signs of sleep apnea or grinding your teeth.

    2) The bone pain, stiffness, facial pain, dizziness can be a couple of things as well. Since you watch a lot of tv & computer, you could be having eye problems that are causing these things - it will also cause you to become stiff from sitting in one space too long. You may want to chat with your doc about fibromyalgia as well.

    3) It also sounds to me like you may be suffering from depression  that is related to all of this. The stress of not knowing what is wrong is causing your physical problems to get worse.

    What to do? You need to stop stressing about it - take some ibuprofen or tylenol before bed; get yourself some breathe right strips to wear at night; and consider getting a mouth guard to keep you from grinding your teeth at night. Obviously, you have been to the doctor who has looked at you for anything serious enough to kill you, and none of the things mentioned above will you send you to heaven either. You should restart your exercise program, (even though it hurts), eat extra veggies & fruit (get your vitamin B, C, and D levels up), and get at least 8 hours of sleep at night. Try these things for one week & I'll bet you get to feeling better soon!

  2. need to see another doc.

    A neurologist would be good too.

    Using the computer too close can cause migraines and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, etc.

    What you seem to be describing to me is that you have migraines (even though some are short) and you may have panic/anxiety disorder...mainly because you don't know what's going on and you are afraid. Anyone would be panicky but it may have evolved into more of a problem than the normal panic sensation that you can get.

    I think the neurologist actually would be a better bet....they see this type of thing all the time. And your regular may need to find one who cares. it may take awhile but it will be worth it.

    Hope you start to get some answers...I know how it feels. I've been ill with various things for 12 years and for the first year or so, I had no answers...just alot of docs shaking their heads. My neurologist at the time actually put me in hospital for a week in the tellimetry ward (which turned out to be in the trauma wing) where I could be monitored 24/7. That way, they could do tests or have me do everyday activities and watch what happens and see these things first-hand. It helped alot. I have a history of migraines plus panic/anxiety disorder, neurocardiogenic syncope, multiple sclerosis and IBS among other thigns.

    Take care.  

  3. If the Dr. said it's nothing...then, with all due respect, it sounds like you're overthinking things.  Try not focusing on what's wrong, and just try to live your life.  You're not going to die.  It just sounds like you're very anxious.  Could you perhaps see the Dr. and convey your anxiety over all of these things and ask to be put on anxiety meds?  It just sounds like you need to calm down more than anything.  Feel better, and try not to worry so much.  In the meantime, go to the health food store and get some valerian root.  This is the natural form of valium.  It will help relax you some...and aid you naturally with sleep. Good luck to you.  Be well.

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