
What's Wrong With Being Pro-Abortion?

by Guest57191  |  earlier

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I need to know if its socially acceptable to tell a pregnant woman (if she brings up the subject of abortion) that you're all for it.

I'm 20 years old and child-free by choice. I dont believe that children can be raised properly in single family homes or in a home where the parents aren't married. (BTW my parents have been married for 36 beautiful years now).

I have a friend who's 17 weeks pregnant with her first child and she's 19 yrs old and unmarried and the father has deserted her. Now she's trying to shove all this anti-abortion mantra down my throat and that's not my belief. The subject actually never came up before.

Any advice?




  1. I don't think too many people are "pro-abortion."  I think lots of people are  pro-choice or pro-reproductive rights. or  pro- no kids ever.

    I am pro-choice-but I am not pro-abortion. I hope there are better ways to prevent a baby than that.

    Choice includes poor choices.

    I have had an abortion, and I do not regret it. It didn't make me crazy, sick, or disgusted. It made me free of a burden I didn't think I could handle well. I felt and feel I was being responsbile at the time.

    NOW, I feel I could have rasied 3 children as well as I raised 2.

    I was terrified at the time.

    When someone tells me they are pregnant, I ask her,"ARE you happy about it?" or "HOw do you feel about it all?"  If she is are happy and fine, I congratulate her.

    If she is terrified, violently ill or struggling, I let her TELL ME.

    I do not thrust my opinions on others.

    It is not my job to crusade FOR abortion or against it. It is not my job to rescue women who don't want to be rescued.  

    It is harder in this society to talk about abortion than it is to come out being g*y, or an atheist or a felon.

    There is tremendous peer pressure, in the midwest anyway, to be pro-family, cutesy baby, even in the face of huge social and environmental impact to having babies we can't care for.

    Even if you are millionaire, I think having more than 2 kids is irrespsonsible. ADOPTING scads of kids is great. Turning throw-away kids into gentlemen and citizens is the work of love.

    I am disturbed and disgusted by young girls having babies, and living off welfare until they can catch a man with a pulse. Not the love of her life-some tall kid with a paycheck.

    It makes for a nation of cheap prostitutes living off the good choices, work and respectable lives of others.

    And in the mix is a child, being raised by wolves.

    Perhaps she "protests too much" because she feels that she SHOULD or CAN abort, and it terrifies her to take control of her own life and make CHOICES.  

    It is very scary.  

    Try being compassionate, and TELL her that you feel otherwise.  Don't be confrontational.Do not try to convince her to DO anything.

    Just tell her the whole point is to have choices, and isn't she glad she has reproductive choice.

    She could be REQUIRED to go to a "pregnant farm" and have her baby and give it up for adoption, like it used to be when I was a teenager.

    Ask if you and she can have a conversation, or is she just going to stomp over your opinion.  Conversation means that both of you talk, and both of you listen.

    You agree to disagree.

    PS: your friend keeping her baby is NOT FINE with you. You are judgmental and unkind about her choices, because you think she should abort. Then she would think and feel like you do.

    And she is judgmental and unkind with you, and having a baby she doesn't really want, to prove some point about being a grown-up and taking responsibility.

    If she is your FRIEND, share your views,and be on her side, while she struggles with a huge and important decision and choice. Help her, don't add to her burden.

    If she is just a girl you know, butt out.

  2. What people believe is right or wrong is usually based on their religion/faith or following "the best idea" of what the people around them or the government thinks.

  3. Not that I'm against abortion, if there is a legit reason and there are very few, for example for euthanasia.... why not choose adoption?

    Have you seen what they do to these babies?  Its a very gruesome experience that most not all, regret.  THere is a such thing as open adoption and you can even choose amongst diff. families who you want to adopt your baby and you can choose to receive pictures or have visitations when ever you please.

    I think a child, espeacially as an adult.will appreciate a strong woman who decided to preserve their life instead of their birth mothers deciding to undo an opps mistake by having their baby vacuumed out of their womb or some mess like to make their lives more convient.  Don't you?

  4. You mean Pro-choice?

    I'd say she's trying to justify to herself her reasoning for having a child out of wedlock. "At least i didn't abort my child!" After making so many other sins.

    I also believe that folks should have the option of aborting a child if they feel that they cannot give the child what it will need to be raised properly.

    For that woman who's getting her knickers into a bunch, obviously she's gonna get a bit riled if you tell her about your view.

    But how is it, that a  person cannot be trusted with a choice of having a child, can be trusted with same said child?

  5. "I see the plight of society and the less idiots we have producing useless children the better."

    If that's really how you feel, then that's scary. Who are you to judge? That's very elitist and rather Hitler-ish, too. Very scary.

    You should look into the foundation of Planned Parenthood in America- it was founded with those same ideals. The goal was to obliterate black people, people with disabilities, and poor people. Not cool.

  6. Plenty wrong with being pro-abortion.  

    I also feel there's plenty wrong with being pro-choice.............ask those poor people if they wish their parents had the right to abort them.

    Unless the mother's life is in jeopardy...........adoption it the best solution.

  7. You need to support your friend. Your beliefs are you beliefs. She needs you to be there for her now no matter what. She does not need you to preach to her. If she asks your opinion you should give it to her. Hope that helps.  

  8. Nothing.

  9. here is my thought:

    - wrong about pro-abortion, because it's a life and of course you will feel bad, not only physically but also mentally, because you dispose your own generation, your own flesh and genes.

    - not wrong about pro-abortion, actually this one is not good either, since i witness that the child that was born will get the impact of no-abortion, especially mentally, and you could say that it is the h**l of the world. why? because when you don't have any problems, you don't need such an option between abortion or not. and if you choose not to do abortion, it means the problems still exist or at least it produces other problems, e.g. no father (you can feel how you don't have father, even in the case of adoption, you could see the movie "august rush" or "martian child" for reference), with father (the couple gets in "war" everyday, and the kid must see it or the kid must be the victim; or their parents don't care about him because at the first they don't want the child to be born). that's what i witnessed.

    for the last, do not care if you either did abortion or not, the one thing is make the better world for your own self and the others.

  10. Firstly, don't knock all those men and women out there who do a great job of raising a child alone. Many single mums and dads work AND raise children.You are not really in a position to comment on something you have no experience of!

    You are, of course, allowed to voice your opinion on whatever subject you want. My view on abortion is that every woman has the right to choose, but I don't feel it would be right for me. I would never tell anyone that they should/shouldn't terminate a pregnancy! It must be one of the most difficult choices a woman has to make. Just remember, you never know what is going to happen in your life and I hope for your sake that if you are ever in the same position as your friend that you have someone sympathetic to turn to! Oh, to be 20 and know it all!

  11. >>>I have a friend who's 17 weeks pregnant with her first child and she's 19 yrs old and unmarried and the father has deserted her. Now she's trying to shove all this anti-abortion mantra down my throat and that's not my belief. >>

    But it is HER belief, and it is HER baby.

    And if you're truly "pro-choice," you'll respect her CHOICE to have her baby.

    You'll respect her CHOICE to not use the father's desertion as an excuse to have her unborn child murdered.

    This is the problem I have with the "pro-choice" crowd -- it seems the only "choice" they really respect is the "choice" to murder unborn babies.  

    Look what happened when the film "Knocked Up" came out -- the "pro-choice" organizations were actually upset that the woman character in the film chose to have the baby!


  12. Because this is in the etiquette section I will answer honestly.

    It is wrong to be so open about it because many are pro-life and feel those who abort for no specific reason, other than they didn't want him/her, are murderers. No person should play God. Nor should they bring up this topic to anyone expect their spouse.

    As it is a controversial subject it is to be tread on lightly.

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