
What's Wrong With Me ? I Need Help !!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have went to a local free clinic here for the symptoms i have been having. I feel tired all the time, i feel as if i have trouble taking deep breaths, and i have this pit feeling in my stomach most of the time. I occasionally feel like i am disoriented and weak and off balance as well.

I was told buy the clinic that it was anxiety, so they prescribed me medicine for that. When that didn't work they told me it was depression so they prescribed me medicine for that, and you guessed it............... that didn't work either :(

I am beginning to think that it could be something more serious and that the doctor i see isn't diagnosing my situation right. I have had my thyroid, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure checked by the emergency room several times but all of that turned out fine. I don't know where to go or where to turn. I am hoping that someone out there has had a similar experiencee such as mine and has had it figured out. Please help !!!! I don't like feeling like this everyday :(




  1. You need to find another doctor.     Certainly depression and anxiety can cause these symptoms, but were you checked for Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, chronic fatigue syndrome?      While it's possible that your problem is psychosomatic, these should be taken into consideration, also.

    Good luck to you.

  2. Maybe have the blood sugar checked again. That sounds a lot like diabetes. Someone in my family had symptoms like that as a teenager, and it turned out to be diabetes.

  3. I had the exact same symptoms since I was about 8 or 9, I'm now 20 years old and I've finally been helped out. I was first told it was depression, then anxiety, then depression, etc. And it went on like that for a long time. I got fed up and told my doctor that I was depressed and wanted to see a psychologist, so she sent me to one which took a few months. After that, I demanded to see a psychiatrist through my psychologist, and that took another month, but they started me on some pills that were for anxiety and depression, (I have anxiety with symptoms of depression) and they didn't seem to work. They told me to be patient and upped my dose, and after a month I did notice a bit of a difference. They said it was good to see and they upped it twice since then, and I haven't had a bad day in a long time since that happened. :) So maybe you just need to find someone who's willing to stick with their plans. My doctor originally had me jumping from pill to pill, but sometimes a small dose doesn't work, and then other times you're in the wrong family of depression. Try to get in to see a psychologist and express your concerns about the medications.

  4. you may want to get checked out

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