
What's Wrong With The World =/ ?

by  |  earlier

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what do you think is wrong with the world ? terrorism .. and stuff like that .. and why do people always feel the need to critisize ?!




  1. Too many humans. Its as simple as that...

  2. selfish greedy people

  3. Human Race killing out animals and plants

  4. hate and a lot of it.  Why cant we just have world peace :D

  5. people complain too much

  6. I think you meant to ask this...

    What's wrong with humans?

  7. About as much as what`s right with it!

  8. to many pointless close minded human beings on the earth

  9. I KNOW!

    Janice Ian was put into the spring fling nominees!

  10. What is wrong with the world is. Some people are greedy.Greedy people just want to make as much money as they can and d**n everybody else.

  11. Telling you what's 'right' with the world would take a lot less time and space...doing the opposite is virtually impossible...

  12. Everything!!

  13. obviously you... ¬¬

  14. Everything that has, or is controlled by, free thought.

    But that is also everything that is good in the world as well.

  15. everything

  16. like the black eyed peas song = ]

    it's sad, but it's been worse. let's keep the hope alive y'all.

  17. Conservatism

  18. only the human race..thats the only issue

  19. People who ask questions that are too open ended.

  20. That question is too big to answer  - the best brains in the world have been trying to solve that one from the beginning of human time.

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