
What's Wrong With Wicca & Witchcraft Questions Here?

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Last week I was looking around this section and someone was asking about Wicca & Witchcraft and someone answered her by telling her to go to the mythology section. Why?? Though Wicca may not technically be a religion, it is for sure a spirituality concept. I'm Wiccan and darned proud, but I'm surely not saying I'm right and others are wrong. Wicca is just right for me and I hope everyone has their own beliefs that make them happy. What's so wrong with that already?




  1. People are stoooopid when it comes to that subject. Just ignore the tards and wait for the informed people to post.  

  2. Nothing wrong with it, IMO...ask away

  3. Lots of Christians are here. I think all off us know how they feel about Witchcraft and Wicca.

  4. I think that the answers about going to mythology are based on the fact that the subject is discussed more in that section. Nothing wrong with your beliefs and no personal insult intended I'm sure. It's akin to Islam being debated on the Ramadan section.

    I feel equally proud of my convictions.

    Anybody is welcome to  ask on this forum though, providing that it is a subject that can be answered by the majority.


  5. Honey, I really don't know what's wrong with these people on here.

    Wicca IS a recognized religion. The military and the prison systems have to recognize Wicca as one of the Legal religions. Don't ask me why we have to have a religion recognized as legal to be able to practice it in the open. Some things make no sense to me at all.  

  6. Wicca most definitely IS a religion, technically or otherwise.  If you're following something that can't be described as a religion, you're assuredly not following Wicca.

    Personally, I think these categories are arbitrarily divided.  Mythology is ANY religious story, although I'm guessing people that send you over there probably think of it as "untrue religious story" (i.e. not the stories of their faith).  Wicca most definitely belongs in the Religion & Spirituality section.

    Pure witchcraft questions, on the other hand, don't technically belong over here.  "I need a love spell" or "how do I use a poppet" has nothing directly to do with religion.  I'm not sure where they belong, but they don't make a lot of sense in R&S.

  7. I agree totally and I wouldn't worry...The standards for what qualifies as religion here are pretty mobile. Its more of an Athiest religion forum, but to be fair...they do come up with pretty funny jokes sometimes.

    No problem, ask away

  8. Look at 90% of the answers on here. It's not a question and answer section, it's a question and *****-if-you-don't-agree section.

  9. Wicca is technically and actually a religion. Wicca questions should only be asked here, unless you want a specific aspect of a mythological story found within Wicca... just as if I were to ask about the Cain and Abel myth, I could go to mythology.

  10. Merry Meet,

    I would just like to first say that Wicca is a legally recognized religion. It might not be the most popular religion but that is slowly changing as people are starting to actually realize that it has nothing to do with anything evil. But as to why she was sent to the mythology section i couldn't tell you since i don't know what the question was. But hey I love reading all the mythos from many diffrent areas around the world. So why not get to know them. They are great!

    In light and love,


  11. Some people just can't handle the fact that their way isn't the only way. Pretty childish, if you ask me.

  12. There are a lot of bigots here.

    I would personally love to see more Wiccan questions instead of abrasive Christian propaganda.  

  13. Agreed. Actually Wicca IS a legally recognized religion, though there are some who still live in the `50`s where everyone is supposed to be Christian or considered a heathen. Wicca and related questions belong here just as much as Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and Islamic questions. Witchcraft itself is not a religion, but a practice. Too many seem to get Wicca and Witchcraft mixed up. That is why they say to go to the mythology section. Wicca and Witchcraft are SEPARATE things.

  14. Well unfortunately in today's world a very large percent  of the population is under the belief that "Religion and Spirituality" only refers to Christianity.  Never mind that legally recognized religions include Wicca, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, etc.  I mean come on Bush our president the monkey, doesn't even think Wicca is a religion!!

    I mean on the list i found neopaganism (which includes Wicca) ranked number 19 on major world religions.  Christianity being number 1 and out numbering neopaganism by more than 2000 to 1 (two thousand!!).

    The bookstores also perpetuate the myth that Christianity is "the only" religion by only putting christian books under religion, then down the aisle and around the corner in the "New age" (WTF!!??) section you have everything else.  Some times you get lucky and find Other Religion or World religion but rarely.  

    Then you also have (now i am not insulting anyone, just stating facts) many Christians are ignorant to the fact the this world holds other religions beside there own, (Remember 2000 to 1) and that at least here in America we have religious freedom.

    Just ignor em !!!!!!!

  15. Nothing is wrong with it, I have a few witchy friends. Chat us up, I love to dish about the occult. I find it interesting.

    You have to dodge the 'burn in h**l' remarks, but anyone who does not kiss the butt of super sky daddy does. We just made it into a drinking game.

  16. A lot of times people will tell everyone to go to the Mythology section.  After all, mythology is just old religions.

  17. Merry Meet Diamond Doll,

    Actually Wicca is not only recognized as a legitimate religion by the United States, it is also recognized in Australia and in Europe. In fact The US Army Handbook for Chaplains has Wicca in it, giving descriptions and advice to aid Wiccans in the Military.  Also India has enlisted the aid of a Wiccan Priestess Ipsita Roy Chakraverti, a Wiccan and social activist, was nominated by the government's National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI) to head a panel tasked with improving the status of young girls in India. So though I have only given a few examples here, Wicca is a world wide religion and growing stronger every day.

    Blessed Be


  18. There are large numbers of fundie atheists here, it was likely one of them that said to go to mythology, that's one of their favorite lines.  

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