
What's Wrong?

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This sound dumb but, I just got from playing ouija board at my sisters friends house. It was 3:00 in the morning, and we asked a few questions. We got a quite a few Q&A from it and no, nobody was messing with it cause the friends sister get freaked easily and she is older than me, so nobody could mess with it (because she would freak out). And The girl has experienced Paranormal things in her house. She has been choked but no one was choking her, they hear footstep in their stairs but no one is there, her mom has been asked by a little girl to if she could sleep with her,the mom thought it was her daughter, but when the mom looked there was nobody there. And When we started the game there clock was off but by the time we were done it was on. What we "found out" from the ouija was a 5 year old accidently drowned in her pool there are 2-3 spirits in the house, 2 are the little girls parents, and 1 is demonic.




  1. There are some evil spirits there and following you so just pray for their souls and wear a rosary and bring holy to make a cross in  the floor where you should play

  2. These symptoms may have been cause by fear, but if not try any ritual that is consistent with your religion to cleanse yourself. Go to church or a temple, smoke incence, drink holy water, or even take a bath where you imagine that all negative energy leaves you and dissappears with the water.

    I hope this helps.

  3. well what can i say with out sounding like a total cow if you play with fire you will get burned..... ouija boards are really bad news as the let all spirit through good & bad..... heres the thing more bad than good.... as nice spirits would contact a medium to give messages to thier loved ones.

    Bad spirits feed of fear..... hense your nightmares it's like a big 3 course dinner to them.

    Heres the good news!!!! you have all the power as you are living and therefore have the say in what happens in your life~ hurrah! so let go of any fear you still have tell in a loud voice say that only beings of good & light is allowed near you and mean it!!!! the nightmares with soon stop.

    do your self a favour don't use ouija boards..... also they don't always tell the truth.

  4. Well, you could just be getting sick.  However, if you don't believe that to be the case, here are some other signs to look for:  

    nightmares increase and become really intense

    personality changing

    your sleep consistently being disturbed

    headaches, all the time

    whole list can be found here:

    And not to lecture or anything, but, you really shouldn't have "played" with a ouija board with knowledge that there was a negative spirit there (I'm referring to the choking incident).  Ouija is like channeling and a spirit can attach itself to you.  I hope everything turns out well for you and good luck!

  5. Ouija boards are quite dangerous. In psychiatric terms, you develop what is called a disassociative disorder. You are basically dividing your mind into more than one part and interacting with it. Mulitple personalities are the most famous disassociative disorder.

    If you must experiment with divination, I recommend that you learn astrology or tarot or something similar.


  6. That's creepy stuff!  You should of did your homework first before you dabbled in this stuff.  You never know what you might get yourself into.  Why don't you see a psychic or you know those spiritualists?  They could help you on this stuff.

  7. Well, I can't write that I am aware of anyone who fools around with a

    Ouija Board that doesn't need the assistance of a skilled and eperienced Ceremonial Magician, Shaman, or Witch at some time

    to "clear" their residence...and in some cases the OB user as well.

    Check your hard-copy Yellow Pages of any large metropolitan area

    near you for "new age", "metaphysical", "magic(k)", "paranormal", etc.

    The shops listed will either have bulletin boards with notices of local

    Covens, Drumming Circles, and/or Orders OR the staff when queried

    may be able to refer you to one of their frequent customers who can

    assist you.

    In the future...stay away from the Ouija Board!
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