
What's YOUR idea on the age of Gemini? What was happening in the world, in your opinion?

by  |  earlier

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Approx 7'000 to 10'000 years ago..




  1. You aren't referring to astronomy.  You're referring to astrology.  Calling astrology astronomy is like calling a yo-yo the space shuttle.

    The Age of Gemini, like the Age of Aquarius or any other star sign, is not based on the magnetic poles.  It's based on New Age imaginations.

    Do you realize how wacked out this makes you sound?  Everything you have said is completely false.  It exists only in the magical woo-woo world of the imagined.

  2. Humans were just finishing off the last of the Mammoths and Sabre Toothed Tigers.Some were beginning to exchange their hunter-gathering ways for agriculture.Working on animal husbandry and such.I thought this was called the Stone Age.Whats the age of Gemini?

    Edit.You mean astrology,sorry never mind.

  3. Armeggedon..!

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