
What's YOUR useless talent/s?

by  |  earlier

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Mine are good spelling which is useless nowadays.

and remembering things like "that's no moon, it's a space station" instead of important deadlines.




  1. I can twist my tongue 180 degrees in any direction.  I often do this in the middle of a conversation to freak people out.

  2. I have good pattern recognition and a fair degree of patience.

    Which is to say that I'm good at finding four-leaf clover.  

    Car keys?  That's a different matter entirely!


  3. I can type the full alphabet in under 4 seconds, bend my thumb back to my wrist, make a deep & throaty "ggggrrrrrahhhhh"(just like that female singer in that Bryan Ferry song "Stick together"),   eat a family sized block of chocolate within five minutes and not be sick.  Can also imitate Fran Dreshers voice off the nanny perfectly.

    Now that is completely useless.

  4. i am good at annoying adults, but i can't annoy my mom because she's VERY good at annoying me. and i can also fake sneeze really good, but why would that be useful.. ? lol

  5. Making odd noises with ought being, like...considered, or people don't realize that it's me.

  6. I can remember my locker combination from 7th grade (1977) and a collection of phone numbers of extended family for homes that they vacated more than 12 years ago.

    If I purged that data, I might be able to remember important things like where I left my car keys.

  7. Well mine are making harmonica sounds without a harmonica and making bag pipe music with the bag pipes.

  8. I can moonwalk.

  9. Sometimes, if I force myself, I can laugh like Barney Rubble. Of course, the using force part makes it less amusing so I'd

    rather not.  I'm sure that there are a LOT more useful things that I can do, eh????

      On 2nd thought, it's rather stupid. fugeddaboutit!!!!   erase-erase-erase...

  10. I have an uncanny ability to balance an elongated object on my right fore finger for what seems to be an infinite amount of time, but, in reality, is less than a minute.

  11. Mine is a quick answer with sense of humour,unfortunately not everybody would take it as humour.So it's useless most of the time.

    Thank you.

  12. Mine is psychology. You open the mouth I already know who are you. Because I haven't a diploma in psychology I can only to use it in every day  blah-blah. I mean occasionally without earn money.

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