
What's Your Best Punch?

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Mine? I'd say my left hook, I think that's the punch my opponents feel the most, you?




  1. upper cut

  2. I fight as a southpaw most times and my best punch is probably my straight left. Though I use hooks, I was never big or dependent on it.

  3. I am a work in progress but I have been told that it is my left hook. It feels like it is the most powerful. I am still working on planting and following through.

  4. I have a custom punch that I call the 'Tornado Buzzsaw'. Its when I form fists with both hands and spin around in a circle hitting anything that moves. Wicked!

  5. my first punch........a sucker punch.....

  6. My stiff left jab.   Everything works off of that when its going.

  7. Mine was the lowblow, Miguel Cotto style no wait more like Andrew Golata jejeje

  8. I fight in a southpaw stance, i know my best punches are my uppercuts but i throw them too slow.  I actually like throwing my straight left to the stomach, for some reason they dont expect it becuase its an awkward punch.

  9. As a younger man I used to (probably still do) have a mean left hook.  My right hand was okay but my left hook carried a wallop.  My idol was Joe Frazier and I worked on throwing mine the same way he did.

  10. my left hook to the body, ive stopped about 17 people with it.

  11. i am only 5'5...mine is the sucker punch to the belly.

  12. The hammer,  it is a face shattering strike lol!   Not allowed in boxing but martial arts h**l yeah!

  13. i would say my left uppercut and jab

  14. I have a really strong jab, but my left hook is the one that stands out the most.

    I admire Joe Frazier and Oscar De La Hoya, I think they have the best Left Hooks boxing has given.

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