
What's Your Favorite Joke Of All Time??

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Just Wondering...Haha.

The Funniest Gets Best Answer :]




  1. I have waaay to many! I'll just stick to this one. It came to me first!

    There was once a minister, the smarter man in the world, a teacher, and a little boy on a plane. The plane is broken, and there are only three parachuttes.

    The teacher takes the first parachutte and says, "I still have more minds to mold. I need one of the parachuttes!"

    The smartest man in the world takes the second parachutte and says, "I have people to save, and things to invent. People need me!" And down he went with parachutte.

    The minister says to the little boy, "I need the last one to help people too. But I think that I'll start by helping you."

    The little boy says, "That's okay... The smartest man in the world just took my backpack by mistake!"

    Hope you likes it! My mom told it to me. hehe

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