
What's Your Pet Peeves In General Society? Can Be Anything, Simple or Intricate.?

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I don't like Nationalistic people. The only time I appreciate and enjoy Nationalism is during sports. Other then that, I think it is kind of stupid.

Religion. Its funny how many people believe in something so silly. Its also interesting how something fake caused so much blood shed.

Prejudice. Cannot stand anyone that holds stupid prejudices. Racism can also go under prejudice.

Ignorance. Peoples who judge any book by its covers without really knowing them, or what 'its' all about. I don't like ignorant people.

Religion in politics. Nothing is worse then hearing a world leader talk about 'his god'.. Or justifying a law, or action based on the 'good book'. It really makes me angry. Religion should be totally abolished from politics. 100%.

Shallow people, that judge a person based on fashion, what they drive, what part of town they live in, which school they went to, or the people they hang around. Pricks.

People that take things too seriously in day to day life. They cry, or get angry over the littlest things because they are miserable idiots. When they converse with you, it is always ranting and complaining about someone or something. They can always find a problem with someone, even if it isn't a problem. Some of them have serious anger issues. What they really need to do, is wake up and look in the mirror at how ridiculously sad and miserable they are.

One uppers. You know the guys. Always got a bigger and better story then you. You caught a fish this big? Oh guess what, before you finish the story, Mr. OneUpper cuts you off to tell you about HIS fishing story from ten years ago when he caught a fish two times bigger. It doesn't matter what you talk about, this guy will always have a bigger and better story. d**n I hate the One Uppers. Someone really needs to just say 'shut up' to these guys. Unfortunately I am to polite for this.

People that cause drama. They are all the same. If there is a crowd near by, they will raise their voice to you, and get in your face and make them selves seem like they are in the right. Any NORMAL person will feel a bit embarrassed getting called out in public and probably walk away. Why don't these people try this when no one is around. Just you and me? Are they afraid? They are cowards that are really good at acting. I once caught a guy alone on the sidewalk of my neighbourhood and stopped him and just looked at him in the eyes. He didn't do to much yelling. It was more like. *soft voice* "oh..hey buddy, sorry about that.." HAH..

Thats all I got right now. Let me know what you guys got!




  1. Wow... you put a lot of thought into this, didn't you?

    I think my pet peeve is people that think they are the only correct background for understanding an issue. It's just stubborn and narrow-minded. I would prefer that everyone be open-minded, but we don't live in a perfect world.

    Likewise, I hate when people tell me to drop a conversation or stop talking about something because the discussion veers into an unwanted direction. People hear what they "want" to hear nowadays.

  2. Liberals.

  3. Wow, anyone having that negative an attitude toward others has got to be miserable...  I'm sorry it... sucks to be you!

  4. um u r kinda mean!!!!!!!but i hate ppl that talk on the phone at a intimate dinner or time and slow walkers

  5. people that don't know the word thank you

    & people who feel the need to advertise themselves

    example( i'm rich, i model/act, sexuality etc )

    oh how that gets on my nerves

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