
What's Your View on Homework Questions?

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How do you feel about kids asking homework questions?

I'm particularly interested in your view of people who give the full-on solution, especially for math problems.

Why do people just give the answer rather than explain in such a way that really helps the student solve it themselves?

If you reveal the mechanics of a somewhat complex problem, at least let them work out the basic parts such as adding, subtracting, multiplication.

I doubt they look to see how or why the answer works; they probably just copy it and then go play their wii.




  1. I agree.  I don't think people should do the homework for a lazy kid.  I would hope that if someone did, that they would show their work.  I can see where that might be helpful.

    If given the answer without explanation, the kid is only putting off the inevitable.  He won't know the answer the next time the problem comes up!

    I have, on occasion given the address for a website that pertains to the problem but is a teaching aid.

  2. Makes one wonder how to give a good answer but teach the method.

    I think the probo is plain. Teachers do not take the time to explain why the students need to know the different formula's to the problems. What they need to stress with math is there is a working equation for every problem. Example: How much air(in square feet per minute) should be passed across a refrigerant coil, and how much refrigerant should pass over same coil at the same time to remove enough heat from a space to properly cool it? How many pounds per square inch should the suction side of the compressor have in order for R22 to make 40 degrees (ideal) across the coil? The same goes for anything that works in this world. How many cubic feet per minute of air is produced by a 4 wing blade with a 33 degree pitch that is 18 inch's in diameter and revolving at 1150 rpm(rounds per minute)? See that's what is needed in this world. Teachers that explain why we need math in life.

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