
What's a Good Gift to Give When You are Staying with Someone?

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I'm going to be a house guest at someone's home for the next 11 days. I want to give them a really nice gift as a thank you, but I don't have a lot of money. I'm also flying, so I'll have to get something when I'm down there. What is something relatively inexpenisve and thoughtful?




  1. If you can afford it, dinner out near the end of your vacation would be nice.

  2. It's always  better staying with people to send a gift after you have left.  Since you probably have no idea what these people like or who they are before you go, it's difficult to pick a hostess gift.  I like to give something after I have visited so I have some idea what they would like. I do this with people who have been friends for years.  It seems so much nicer to send them a gift after I have visited with a heartfelt thank you for letting me stay and our time together.  I particularly like to send gift baskets.

  3. A gift card to a nice restaurant; a stack of new white towels; a bottle of their favorite wine or candy.

  4. Bake them something

  5. A box of chocolates or take them out for dinner.  

  6. Bring 2 or 3 CDs. If you can find out something about their music taste it would be great. If not make a guess based on their age.

  7. Always send a thank you note afterwards; it's so rarely done anymore and it will show effort rather than money.  Meanwhile, while there, a nice meal out hosted by you would be welcome.  Or, noticing their tastes, some gourmet food items like good olive oil, sauces, and seasonings or consumable items for the home like fine hand soap and high quality candles.  Also, be a polite, clean and helpful guest while there.  Have fun!!

  8.      I would pay attention while I am there and listen to what they like to do.  Then I would get them a gift certificate to someplace they like, such as their favorite restaurant, or a theatre they enjoy attending, ...  It can be in whatever amount you can afford, but they will know that it is something specific to them, which is always thoughtful and appreciated.

  9. One nice thing to do is to send then flowers with a thank you note when you get back home.

    **** If they have kids is ALWAYS a nice thing to bring something for the children (if you do that you can skip the flower - but still send a thank you note)

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