
What's a Grassroots campaign?

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What's a Grassroots campaign?




  1. It's usually a word of mouth that gain enough momentum and supporters to persuade a candidate to run for office. Obama and Ron Paul's campaigns can be considered grassroots.

  2. grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement) is one driven by the constituents of a community. The term implies that the creation of the movement and the group supporting it is natural and spontaneous, highlighting the differences between this and a movement that is orchestrated by traditional power structures. Often, grassroots movements are at the local level, as many volunteers in the community give their time to support the local party, which can lead to helping the national party. For instance, a grassroots movement can lead to significant voter registration for a political party, which in turn helps the state and national parties

    mainly taking it back old school to the people

  3. Grassroot is basically a political term.  When used in political circles it relates to persons who are attached or in touch with the people at lowest level, upwards. For instance in India it is the villages, and those who live below the poverty line, the labour class, the white collar people and so on etc. These grass root workers are supposed to keep the party in touch with the day to day realities of life and reaction to the various policies of the State.

  4. When people like you and I do all the work to get a candidate elected.

    For example:

    Normal campaign - A candidate will spend millions on TV adverts to get his face across and meet people to collect money.

    Grassroots campaign - A group of people start making posters, banners internet videos to get a candidate some notice and try to raise money for him/her.

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