
What's a RUB?

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I gotta' ask... I keep seeing it & know it's not a good thing. New biker? What? What's it stand for?




  1. That is what guys with old crappy bikes call the folks that can afford new ones. A jealousy thing pretty much like every other derogatory name associated with biking. I understand what Dave is saying but why the h**l would anyone care how much money a person has, and if they are a beginner and can afford a new Harley more power to them. As far as the lack of mechanical knowledge someone like this has, so what. If you are the CEO of a company or whatever you probably don't have the time to wrench on a bike and if you can afford to pay a master mechanic to do it there is nothing wrong with that either. It all just comes down to the same old narrow minded hate BS.

    Biker for Life, I hear what you're saying man, but they act like they belong to what? What is this elusive club that only guys who have put 100, 000 miles on their bike and turn their own wrenches belong to? I certainly don't think my 6 figure income makes me less of a rider. We are all just people who want to ride. There is no way for you to know what another person "thinks they are", you can only know what you think of that person. There is a huge difference man. Judge not. I find it very interesting that it is only the road riders that create all these reasons to hate and ridicule another road rider. In 30 years of off road racing I have never seen this kind of behavior. We don't care if you pull up in an old pickup or a $100,000 dollar rig. We don't care what bike you race, how fast you are, or what gear you wear. You don't see Japanese motocross racers on this forum putting down on KTM riders.

  2. If you haven't got time to turn a wrench, then you're probably not as dedicated to motorcycling as to turning a buck.  Which is fine, it cost money to buy a Lifestyle.

    But I'll tell you, its annoying to roll up on my bug splattered road bike and  have some joker in  squeaky new leathers and a bike that's "never seen rain" look down his nose.   That's part of the yuppie attitude that sets RUBs apart, politically correct rhetoric notwithstanding.

  3. RUB - Rich Urban Biker


  4. Davea nailed it.

  5. RUB - Rich Urban Biker. A term usually used by real Harley Bikers to describe the weekend wannabe accountant types who buy a Harley ''cause they can and the status of it, but couldn't tell a camshaft from a brake pad. Bikers that ride with more money than knowledge, experience, and ""street saavy"".

  6. that youve tried the rest,its time to come home to a REAL a harley
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