
What's a Theist??? ?

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I know what an Atheist is, but what is a theist?




  1. Theists believe in supreme being(s) (god or gods). The person that answered "theist is believing in one god" is wrong. A pantheist believes in several gods -as in Hinduism, a monotheist believes in one god -as in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Atheist is a person who believes god or gods are an imaginary entity that does not really exist. As a general note (theo-) means god; therefore, theology is the study  of, or science of "god". Theocracy, using religion to control or rule a nation (as in Iran, or Saudi Arabia) ...and so on.

  2. It is someone who believes in God - the opposite of being an atheist. It doesn't specify which God you believe in, just God.

    I've been a Christian since 1971. It is the best and most incredible thing that happened to me.

  3. The opposite. The one who does believe in some deity/ies.

  4. opposite of atheist

    a- without

    theism- religious belief system

    drop the a- and what do you get?

  5. a ticklish person

  6. someone who believes in a higher being  

  7. Actually, contrary to what someone told you, a theist is someone who believes in one God. Not multiple Gods. That would be a pantheist. A pantheist is also considered an atheist because atheist literally means "non theist." And a pantheist is not a theist.

  8. A person who believes in mythology.

  9. It's the exact opposite of an atheist.  Theism is the term for believing in God(s).  A theist beleives in the existence of God.

  10. Hey :)

    Nn Athiest is some body who doesnt have a religeous belief. A non christian, muslim, hindu ect.

    But a Thiest is some body who beleves in a god and has a religeon.

    Hope this helped :) x  
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