
What's a better? opening a daycare or opening a laundromat?

by  |  earlier

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I want to open a laundromat around here in Waco, Tx because the ones i go to suck...they aren't clean, it's hot in there...the kids are running around like chicken's with their heads cut off! it's chaotic!! then i would like to open a daycare because i have 6 kids but only the 3 i birth stay with us...i don't want to pay daycare prices for 3 kids while i'm at work...that just defeats the whole purpose of me working.don't ya think? what do you think is better laundromat or daycare..??




  1. Laundromat... More money!

  2. Personally I would choose daycare because I love children, they're so cute!

  3. id choose daycare unless u want to do a laundromat or u could do both

  4. I would do a very big building and spilt it in two and have your laundry mat on one side and a door to the other so that you could be in two places at once . Also this is a good thing because mom's that have to go to the laudry mat to do like there normal five loads between sheets/clothes/kids and all they would have alot ho wants to bring there kids to the hot laundry mat when hey they go right next door to pay a samll a dollar amout and get down faster and not have to chase there kids around . i think that would work . Or you could have your daycare in the middle of the laudry mat and the mat on around the outside like in innie outie kinda a thing . well who knows just a couple idea hope it all works out for you .

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