
What's a college or university that has a good creative writing program?

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What's a college or university that has a good creative writing program?




  1. I'm actually looking for one too. What I've found is that a lot of colleges have creative writing programs, or at least minors, under their English Major. Some seem pretty good, others not so much. What you should look into are the proffesors that teach CW, have they been published? Do they have diverse interests so that one is bound to connect with you? Do they offer work shop classes? And also make sure that there are campus publications and visiting writers and writer in residence programs.

    Some colleges are known for CW, for example Columbia College Chicago (though that's an art school, not liberal arts). It all depends on the overall college experience you're looking for. Please message me as I'm in the same boat you're in and I'd like to talk about it with someone.  

  2. The University of Montana in Missoula Montana has an excellent creative writing program.

    check out the following:

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