
What's a creative gift to give my child's preschool teacher?

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I'd like to get my son's WONDERFUL preschool teacher a gift at the end of the year. Something creative. Maybe something just from my child, or maybe something from the whole class that we could all go in on. I want it to be spectacular, and I don't mind making something.




  1. books,baskets full of stuff, notepads, fun things for next years class to do.

  2. I would give a nice gift basket with some little things in it....Like paper and pens....and a tote bag is always nice...But maybe a gift card for dinner or movies....Walmart gift card is always good since most teachers have to buy there own supplies.

    Good Luck.

  3. As a preschool teacher I am delighted with a gift certificate to a nice restaurant.  It is a treat to have a date with my spouse, neither of us has to plan, cook or clean up from a meal.  The only other gift that came close was a gift certificate to a great masseuse.

  4. Where were you when I was teaching preschool?  What a wonderfully supportive parent you are!!  

    Everyone has GREAT ideas.  A gift certificate for a massage would be much appreciated by any hardworking teacher.  I also love getting gift certificates to the local teacher's supply store so I don't have to spend so much of my own money on the professional books, materials, and children's books I want to buy.

    But I have to say the gift I've envied the most of a colleague was a simple coffee travel mug.  It was the kind that you can decorate a piece of paper and slip it behind the outer clear plastic casing.  On the piece of paper was printed the school photos of all of her students with their names underneath, and a message of appreciation with the school year.  I don't even drink coffee and I wish I could get a gift as sweet and thoughtful as this!!

  5. Use a digital camera to take pictures of the children and the teacher working with the children.  Then have all the children and the parents write notes to the teacher.  Download the pictures and scan the notes into your computer and make a nice book with the pictures for the teacher.  Or use the pictures and their notes and drawings to make calendar.

    If you do not have time to create the calendar or book yourself, places with photo centers will do it for you for pretty reasonable prices.

    I love the suggestion someone made about donating a book to the local library in the teacher's name.  That is an awesome idea.  The same act can be done by donating to his/her favorite charity in his/her name.

  6. chocolate crackes  because all the kids can make them with the help of an adult

    Lamintion a sponage cake cut in small square dip in chocolate sauce and roll in coconut

    Or find Mr. busy iced biscut they are nice in a old cook book.  sorry I can't give you the recipe.

    What if everyone chose a different sweet food to make. and you put it in a tin together.

  7. Get fabric paint and a plain, white tablecloth. Pour the paint into a pan, then have another parent paint a little on the child's hand with a brush. Press the child's hand onto the tablecloth, and then have the child write his/her name under the hand print with a permanent marker. Make sure you write the date this was made (month/day/year).

    I like the idea of a photo album with a picture of each child and a special note from each child.

    My children's teachers loved the calendars that they would get for Chrismas--one teacher got 1 that had oddball, little-known facts (he was a trivia buff); another got "Far Side" (his favorite strip); a third got one on "old-time school rules" (this was about what schools would teach in the 1800's, "misdemeanors," and other fun facts about old-time educational materials). Find out from others what the teacher's interests are and buy something along that line.

    Be careful about gift baskets. Some people have very sensitive skin and may not be able to use certain soaps or lotions. A gift card for a bookstore, restaurant, to the movies or a coffee house (i.e. Starbucks or some other local place) would be great for the teacher to "unwind" after a hard day's work.

  8. Give her something that is not job related. An all day gift certificate to a Spa, for a day of massage, manicure and pedicure, then a dinner certificate at a great restaurant for her and her significant other. AHHHHHH!!!

  9. If you are really crafty and know how to sew you could make her a quilt and have each child decorate one quilt square. That would be a nice gift.  Something useful and memorable.

  10. Donate a new children's book to the city library in her name.

    Gift certificate for something she could enjoy in the golf, movie pass, etc.

    Make a summer basket: include a good book, some stationary and stamps, chocolates, things that a previous member said, but put it all together.

  11. As a teacher I'll tell you that note paper, nice stationery, good chocolates, gift certificates are always much appreciated.  They don't have to be expensive, but they are things that can always be used well and enjoyed.  I can open a shop with all the mugs and candles I've received over they years, so those are a bit played out.  Hope this helped.

  12. a beer

  13. You and your son can decorate a tote bag saying "the person carrying this bag is the most WONDERFUL preschool teacher"...or something like that. you can even write things on it that she has done to make her wonderful. Maybe you can put his picture on it. I am a teacher so I am sure that it is something that she will keep forever.

    Class books are always a great idea of all of the wonderful things that she has done. That is something every student and their family can contribute on. Maybe give each family a page to write what she has done for them this year and how appreciative they are. I would let them be free to decorate their page anyway they want. Maybe scrapbook style or they can write letters, include pictures, draw pictures, put their children's handprints, etc.

    I think that would be cute.

  14. Make a huge gift basket, with spa, relaxation stuff or just eating stuff.  You can ask each student to bring an item and you can put it togather and give it to her.

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