
What's a delicious, creative thing to do with veggie nuggets?

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So I have a pack of those fake chicken nugget things. I'm bored of them. What's something fun and yummy to do with them?




  1. Here's a cheap and easy meal... Which, not everybody may like, but i eat this every once in a while....

    Cook up some Kraft dinner, and bake the nuggets in the oven/microwave oven and chop them into peices... mix into kraft dinner.

    No joke, I love it!!

  2. dip them in hummus for a vegitarian, vegan safe dip :)

  3. Are they made to taste like chicken? I'm in the UK so hoping i know what you mean.

    Could you make some kind of salsa to have them with, or put them on a bun with salad and sauce? You could also make a lemon sauce with them and have a fake chinese lemon chicken meal (if they're like a battered type) with rice or noodles.

    Am not too clued up on this kind of thing as i don't like to eat things that are trying to taste like meat as i don't like the taste/texture which is one of the big reasons why i don't eat meat anyway (that and i found out where it came from when i was 6 - and also when i became veggie).

  4. If you are bored with them, stop buying them  and get some real food.!

    Highly processed vegetarian analogs, with high fat salt and sugar contents are little better than the foods they substitute for.

    Cuisines from all over the world have outstandding and healthy vegan recipes.

    A great and very active yahoo cooking group is:

    They can help you wqith questions about ingredients, nutrition and cooking. They are very friendly and supportive too!

    Here are some great recipe sites.

    The best thing to live as a vegan is to learn to cook. Start simple- try a salad and a quick bread, then make some lentil soup, or chili. Learn to stirfy veg, add a little tofu, or tempe, and serve over rice. Pick out the most colorful vegies you can find and invent a dish!

    Don't let anyone tell you that you can't learn to cook, and can't be healthy being a vegan. A little research and a spirit of adventure is all you need!

    Go for it.


  5. You can chop them in to decent-sized chunks and add them to a tossed salad.

    You can add them to a recipe for baked spaghetti.

    Slice them and put them atop a veggie pizza.

  6. bake them with pizza sauce and cheese =) and if you can find vegetarian parmesan, sprinkle that over them.

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