
What's a gift that preschoolers could give their parents for the holidays?

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I take a class and it's a project that I have to do with the kids. It can't be Christmas-y (like an ornament). It should still be holiday ish, though. Please give ideas.




  1. handcrafted gifts or pictures they drew of there family

  2. I am a preschool teacher for 4 year olds. I bought these wooden gift bags from a craft store.  They are going to paint them. Then, inside I have a Christmas ornmament, but you can't do that.  They have kits to make gingerbread men, and snowflakes.  These are not necessarly Christmas. Or you can buy outlet covers, cheap from a hardware store.  Let the children paint, decorate them.  Then get a picture of the child and use it as a frame.  Also they have wooden frames that the children can paint, you could do this instead.  Good luck.

  3. Print this poem on the bottom half of sheets of cardstock paper:

    Sometimes you get discouraged

    Because I am so small

    And always leave my finger prints

    On furniture and walls.

    But every day I'm growing up

    And soon I'll be so tall

    That all those little hand prints

    Will be hard to recall.

    So here's a special hand print

    Just so that you can say,

    This is how my fingers looked

    When I placed them here today.

    Author Unknown

    Then ink the kids hands and put the hand print above the poem.  Next have them write their name and the year (or you) on the bottom.  The parents can frame these and keep forever.

  4. Do non-denominational holiday things... Snowflakes.. Cotton ball snowmen (glue cotton balls to cardboard to make a snow man).  Umm.. popsicle snowflakes, you can have them glue popsickle sticks together throw some paint and glitter on em.  Umm Other inspirational non-denomniational holiday things that might get the hampster spinning: Holly, Snow, Snowflakes, Snow men, Candycanes, Pine trees, ummmm.... thats all i have right now, i'll think more on it.

  5. a decorated photo frame with sequins, and a little paint and another things and take a picture of the child and put it in side. we used popsicle sticks and made a rectangle and glued the picture on.

    this was a loooong time ago ( about 11 years to be more exact and the frame is still in tact with the picture in it

  6. Make a banner (2-3 sheets of paper in length) that says "I LOVE YOU"...use your digital camera to take a photo of each child holding the banner.  Print them out and have the children make a construction paper "frame" for their picture.  Any parent ought to love that!

  7. A calender with pictures of them on it. Or pictures they have drawn.

  8. since the kid is sooo young still parents are still very mushy over their child. So any arts and craft thing would be nice.

  9. a  drawn picture of a snowman

    aww how cute

  10. These ideas are from

    There are about 280 Holiday and Winter related activites of all types to do with children from about 3 to 13!!! The forum page  is:

    Coupons from youngsters who don't yet write....

    Supplies: Paper, markers, scissors, old magazines.

    Directions: Ask the children to think of something they can do to help mom or dad around the house. They can cut pictures from the magazine and paste them on paper strips to make coupons. Example: I will dry the dishes" can have a cup, saucer or dish detergent on the coupon...

    Package up in an envelope as a gift..

    Paint a Pot

    Paint pictures or designs onto a plain clay flower pot. Give just the pot or fill it with some holiday goodies.

    Ceramic Hot Pad

    Get a 6x6 ceramic wall tile (you can usually get them donated through a home repair store) Paint the child's hand with the color that they had picked out, place on the tile, write the child's name at the bottom. After 24 hours, put a sealer on it.

    Place mats and Coasters

    Artwork can be transformed into useful place mats or coasters for children and family.

    Use existing artwork or have children design something special. For place mats, have children draw, paint or color a picture on a large piece of paper, then laminate it or cover it with clear contact paper.

    For coasters, children could trace their on colored paper and laminate. Don't forget to sign and date the back!

    Good for any occasion...

    A BOX OF LOVE...

    To make this gift you need: Small plain boxes such as jewelry boxes, Pretty wrapping paper to fit the occasion,  Glitter, sequins, decorations of choice, ribbon.............

    Wrap the box and include this poem...printed on nice paper.

    This is a very special gift

    that you can never see.

    The reason it's so special is

    it’s just to you from me.

    Whenever you are happy,

    or even feeling blue.

    You only have to hold this box

    and know I think of you.

    You never can unwrap it…

    Please leave the ribbon tied.

    Just hold the box so close to you…

    It's filled with love inside.

    With Love, ___________________


    (Use round, red and white peppermint candies)

    Put in pretty container or small bag and tie with poem attached......

    I once knew a gardener who knew how to grow

    Bright tasty candies, right out of the snow...

    I asked him to share his secret with me

    And this is what he replied quite readily...

    To garden in winter is difficult you see

    It takes lots of care and a very special seed...

    I'll give you a couple to grow your own treats

    And you'll soon reap a harvest of candy cane treats.

    SNOWMAN KISSES (mini-marshmallows or other white candy)

    Package prettily with attached poem........

    Snowflakes from Heaven as white as can be!

    Can build a Snowman for all to see!

    He's cute and cuddly ---and full of good wishes...

    And wants to give you a whole bunch of his kisses!

    A bag of Hugs & Kisses (insert the candy)

    to wish you Merry Christmas...

    Scented Pine Cones


    Pine cones, Pine or fir pure essential oil, Lidded container, box or plastic bag, Facial tissue

    1. Fill container, box or plastic bag with dry, clean pine cones.

    2. Liberally sprinkle tissue with essential oil and add to bag or container.

    3. Seal the bag or container and allow oil to penetrate cones for several days before removing (the longer the cones are contained, the stronger the fragrance will be).

    The Giving Bag

    Invite children to brainstorm special things they can do for the recipient of their gift-such as-give a hug, tell a funny joke, sing a song, take out the garbage, vacuum a room, put away the dishes, etc. Write their responses on 3”X6” strips of paper. Help the children wrap the strips tightly around a pencil to create scrolls. Decorate a plain paper bag with festive Holiday craft items, drawings, stickers and glitter glue.

    After the bag is dry-- put the scrolls inside the bag. Fold down the top of the bag-punch two holes and thread ribbon through the holes. Tie and create a bow.


  11. you can make a Christmas lanterns that has a picture of their family.. or a bookmark with their message from their parents.

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