
What's a good Italian custom and food I can present to my class?

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Ok, so I have this project on Italy for social studies I have to present on Friday, but I need to present a custom unique to Italy and bring food...What would be good?

For the custom, it could be a game, dance, celebration, music, etc., but it has to be unique to and important in Italy, and I don't know what to choose...I have to demonstrate it to the class, so yeah...

For the food, it should be something important in their culture (cause I have to explain it's significance). I can make it or buy it, doesn't matter, but I do have to say the ingredients and how its made, so if you could give me a recipe or the steps to make it, I would be grateful!




  1. pizza and pasta would probably be good

  2. My Mam, amongst other professions,  used to be an Italian teacher in the UK and she used one particularly Italian custom to illustrate a particular Region: the Palio – a Mediaeval  Pageant  most cities celebrate every year. This being your “first” I would present the Palio of Siena (if you can get hold of Renaissance clothes in time – Mam used to sew them herself, not very difficult – otherwise just one of the flags . The idea would be to engage the class in the Pagaent’s Horse race (look at  all the  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœContrade” with their names (Siena is divided into districts or contrade). Get your pupils to design the logos write the names on single sheets of paper. Then distribute these amongst the class and with the aid of a “spin dice” (toothpick through a six numbered sextagon) let them “race” to get the winning contrada.

    The food is, obviously, Panforte di Siena, a special candied cake (but can you get hold of it?), for the winning team .   the rest can get a consolation  meal. It will have to be cold, for logistics reasons, but you can include all the popular Italian ingredients. Having done this before for classes of my own, keep it simple and transportable :

    -antipasti (hors d’oeuvres)  -  sliced mozzarella, with intermittent sliced tomatoes and basilicum (It’s called Caprese - from Capri) and a second plate of boiled seafood (it’s called Marinara - you can buy it deep frozen, boil, cool and add olive oil and just a dab of pesto from a jar, otherwise tuna fish will do);

    -pasta (summer cold version – the warm one would not hold) – prepare the “penne - farfalle and  conchiglie” version at home (pens, butterfly and  shells – they capture the sauce) – let them cool then mix them in a sauce of olive oil, anchovies, capers and  finely chopped celery and pachino tomatoes and serve in a big bowl;

    -forget the meat and fish too complicated

    -Italian Ice cream cake (buy ready made tiramisu Ice cream).

    You can carry all this in a typical picnic cooling bag.

    Don’t forget a CD with Italian music. A drop of  wine would be perfect, but a non alcoholic equivalent of orange juice (Sicilian) will do-

    Buon divertimento e buon appetito

  3. hi I'm roman!

    well, in italy there are a lot of traditions but many of this are local and characteristic of only some regions or city!

    the events that involve all the country are little!

    in the sport, there are the " giro d'Italia "...that is a travel of italy in bicycle that is organize every spring! there are the better cyclist of the world and in 3 weeks they make almost 1500 kilometri in all the country, from sicily to milan!

    in the music, is very famous in the world the " festival of San Remo ", I think that you can find more informations in internet about this!

  4. Both Sunshine and Stuckinamoment have excellent suggestions because they don't involve having to be able to heat or cook the food in class. You could do the tomato & basil as a bruschetta drizzled with olive oil.

    Another (or an additional) possibility is Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese with aceto balsamico (balsamic vinegar). Food and celebrations tend to be regional or local here. You could illustrate this with a selection of cheeses from different regions too. If there's an Italian Deli in your area, you could find lots of possibilities.

  5. Appetizers - Antipasti:

    Antipasti come before the main meal.

       One choice will usually be a plate of the local cold cuts and there will probably be some regional specialties. Sometimes you can order an antipasto misto and get a variety of dishes.

    This is usually fun and can be more food than you'd expect for the price! In the south, there are some restaurants that have an antipasto buffet where you can select your own appetizers.

    The first course is pasta, soup, or risotto (rice dishes, especially found in the north). Usually there are several pasta choices.

    Some risotto dishes may say minimum of 2 persons.

    The second course is usually meat, poultry, or fish.

    It doesn't usually include any potato or vegetable. There are sometimes one or two vegetarian offerings, although if they are not on the menu you can usually ask for a vegetarian dish.

    Usually you will want to order a side dish with your main course. This could be a vegetable (verdura), potato, or insalata (salad). I sometimes order only a salad instead of the meat course.

    Most Italians drink wine, vino, and mineral water, acqua minerale, with their meal.


  6. It really depends on what kind of appliances you'll be able to use at school, or when you're presenting. I would say to make a specific pasta dish that is known in a region since it's something everyone will like, but you don't want to serve that cold. If you can't heat it up, then pick something else. For instance where my family comes from orecchiette is native and sort of "the pasta" of the city. It's a special kind of pasta, made differently than most and they make it by hand there.

    Antipasta (which is appetizers) might also be a good choice. Because it can be a lot of things. Prosciutto with melon, other meats, keish type things, potatoes, meatballs, vegetables, and really anything.

    Something simple and potentially fun might be italian card games. You might have some difficulty finding them, but italians have their own playing cards and have their own games to go along with them. Two I know are called Scopa and Briscolla. You could learn yourself and then teach the class.

    you can easily find instructions online.

    good luck!

  7. Pizza and Pasta??  Please!!

    How about lovely pieces of red ripe tomato sliced with some boccincini (cheese) on top then sprinkled with some basil.  It is easy and you can make it in front of people!!  It is also Red, White and Green like the Italian Flag! (double bonus - tasty and educational!!)

    For the custom - the Italians have great days of celebration - but my favourite is "la bafana" - celebrate every year on Jan 6 - she gives lollies to good children and coal to the bad!!!Maybe you could find out something about that to share with the group??

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