
What's a good amount of makeup for a 14/15 year old girl?

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  1. Eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipgloss, and maybe the occasional blush. Just make sure you dont over do it, and it will most likely look good.

  2. Well I'm 15 and I wear basically everything, but in moderation. Ok so the only thing I kinda go over-board on is eyeliner..I <3 black eyeliner. So yeah anywho, idk why a bunch of ppl r saying 15 year olds should be wearing nothing...I mean, seriously?!?!  

  3. Not too much just some foundation and mascara (if your moms ok with you wearing it) and a touch of lip gloss :)

  4. Don't use liquid foundation - it will make your skin worse later! If you are using cover up, it can be easy to slide into using liquid foundation.

    There are really cute sparkle eye shadows and lip glosses designed for younger girls - I would use those while you still can! Bonnie Bell & the like.

  5. some eyeliner, eyeshadow and maybe a little mascara for the eyes.

    a bit of lipgloss, and a little blusher every now and again for the cheeks.

  6. Concealer if needed.

    Powder for oily skin and to keep the makeup in place.

    Eyeliner (preferably black or blue or gray).

    Mascara isn't needed unless you have blond eyelashes or short eyelashes.

    Lipgloss or lip balm.

  7. Well I'm 14, and I definitely don't cake it on.

    I usually use a little loose face powder just to take away the excess oil.

    I use mascara, and sometimes eyeliner.

    Not all the time though.

    Sometimes I use some eyeshadow.

    And I'll use blush sometimes too.

    I put on enough so people can tell I have on makeup.


    hope i helped.

  8. little lip gloss and liner;...

  9. Since I'm 14...I guess this should be easy. Well teens ARE insecure so I guess a little mascara and lip gloss. That's what I wear.

  10. i'm 14 and i wear:






    and sometimes concelor if i need to cover up blemishs or zits.

  11. Just some mascara and lipgloss. Maybe eyeshadow.  Girls that young don't need to cover up, it just looks trashy.

  12. maybe just some light eye shadow and lip gloss. no foundation or nothing like that. hold off on the mascara for now and maybe use a light blush. nothing too harsh.

  13. Please don't be one of those cake face chicks that go over board with their make up!

    I'd say if you want to keep your skin looking young and beautiful for longer l stay away from the foundation, blush etc.. all together (except on special occasions). I'm 18 and only ever use eye make up such as eyeliner & eye shadow out and nothing at home.

    You'd look so much younger without it! But yeah it's your choice and whatever's comfortable for you.

    Hope this helped :)  

  14. i use

    1) thin eye liner

    2)lil shadow

    3) mascara

    4) coverup (sometimes)

    5) chap stick

  15. mascara/eyeliner (just a little, or else you will look like a hooker)

    if your feeling pale, a littttle blush


    :D. yay! thats what i wore when i was that age

  16. the best thing is too keep it natural.

    so maybe some foundation and powder to even out your complexion and a little eyeliner and mascara to make your eyes stand out just a little more.


  18. I think some fondation to cover up any blemishes, but not all over.

    Then maybe some blush if your cheeks need color.

    I use an eyelash curler & wear mascara also.

    I think the basics are good =]  

  19. I'm 14 and i wear light makeup at school like blush and eyeshadow, with the every now and then lip gloss and eyeliner, but not much.

  20. maybe a little eyeshadow and some lip gloss but what ever you like, but it's not only really good to were a whole lot, but it just don't look right your covering up your pretty face..

  21. well you could always have a ot of eyeliner on the bottom lid of your eye...make you look cheek and gorgeous!!!

    little bit of eye shadw..and clear lipgloss

  22. just alittle,if you really like make up!but in my opinion a 14-year-old girl doesn't need any!and as you no make up is not good for skin and it will cause lots of problems when you get the later you start make up the better!;)

  23. just  some eye liner and lipgloss and some eye shadow, oh and mascara. but not too much of anything.  

    well that's what i wear at least


  24. some coverup & concealer if you need it

    mascara, lip gloss

    thats it .

  25. if you overdo your make-up it will look very bad and noticeable.

    the point of make-up is to enhance your NATURAL beauty.

    so emphasize your eyes and add a little blush to your cheek bones.

    nothing major.

    blue eyes: copper eye shadows look good!

    brown eyes: smokey colors, dark browns

    green eyes: golds and browns and copper tones for eyes

    : ]

  26. umm. well im almost 15 and i wear eye liner,eye shadow,mascra ,lip gloss,powder , cause u have 2 look good !

    so idk what's  a good amount but thats what i wear

  27. I Like

    Eyeliner Not TOO THINK




    Thats all i use and im 15.

  28. Here is what I told my 13 year old daughter.

    You definitely do not want to wear too much. You want to accentuate your good qualities, eyes, lips, etc, but other than that you want it to look like your not wearing any make up at all. Maybe just a little lip gloss and mascara.

  29. Just enough so that it doesn't like there is too much. Girls that young are already naturally beautiful with nice skin tones. They don't need to add to much to their face...they usually look older.

  30. well im 14 and this is what i use everyday for school and stuff...

      bare minerals - a really lightweight powder foundation

      waterproof mascara

      carmex chapstick

      bobbi brown lip gloss

    now if i were to go on a date or to a dance or party i would wear...

      bare minerals

      a little bit of eyeliner

      neutral colored eyeshadow

      water/sweat proof mascara

      peachy blush

      bobbi brown lip gloss

    adults always say that we shouldn't wear makeup but all of this really doesn't look that heavy if you apply it right so good luck and i hope this helps!!

  31. a little bit of eye liner, brown looks good when you are younger because it doesnt look like youre trying too hard and you dont look fake.

    some blush

    lip gloss

    hope i helped :D

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