
What's a good bass guitar for beginners?

by  |  earlier

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i'm looking for one that's not too much money, i'm only 13, so i don't have a job. :] anyways, i want a good one though, which do you reccomend? also one that's good to learn on.




  1. A good bass guitar, first of all, is one that's easy to learn on; usually referring to a four-string bass guitar. My recommendation, as a first-timer, is to of course, buy a player pack. Not only are they a good, possibly an excellent place to start, but they are also EXTREMELY affordable, too. Ultimately, Guitar Center or Musician's Friend, for that matter, has a few [player's packs] priced very reasonably (particularly Guitar Center). On either of the sites, just search for bass player packs, and you'll be good to go.

  2. Fender jazz bass is a classic, versatile instrument. The ones made in the U.S. are expensive, but the ones made overseas are cheaper and probably fine for learning. Don't be afraid to buy a one from a reputable used guitar shop -- just do some research about what to look for (such as cracked or warped necks, the evenness of frets, low action, etc.)

  3. try to get a good one second hand.

    the sound might not be the best but you are just learning , you can repair it as you improve, repairs can be custom and it can give you a more original sound.

    all fenders and music man are great.

    try to go looking for it with someone who knows how a bass in perfect condition looks and feels.

    some shops sell good used equipment and can give you a warranty.

    avoid smaller basses.  and for your first bass only get a 4stringed bass nothing less and nothing more.


    Check out this squier bass starter kit

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