
What's a good comeback-like response?

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I'm 20, but don't really look it (I look younger). Whenever ppl ask me how old I am, they're like "Oh, you don't look 20, you look 15" (sometimes they'll say younger!). I don't want to just laugh it off cuz it's not funny to me; it's a little hurtful actually. But I don't want some smart aleck comeback either. How should I respond?




  1. "But at least I act my age."

    This not only points out your maturity, but might subly imply that *they* aren't acting their age by their unintentionally condescending comment.

  2. I am 27 and still get that, honestly after a while you just get use to it and at one point you will be happy they are saying it.   Don't let it bother you, you don't have to laugh it off, you don't have to have a comeback.  Just let it go in one ear and out the other.  Trust me there are alot worse things to worry or be upset about.  You will see how petty it is to stress about this later in life.  

  3. Thank them.  You're going to spend the rest of your life wishing you looked 20.

  4. Why do you need a comeback and why is this hurtful to you?  As you age you'll enjoy the fact that you look so much younger so just say thank you.

  5. Say how old are you again?  Then when they anwser say oh-you look a lot older than that I thought you were like 30!  And watch the tears fall.

  6. Okay so I am 20 too and i get the exact same thing. When I was 17 I was once asked on a plane if I was 15 because I was sitting in an exit row and you had to be at least 15 to sit there. People think I am anywhere from 12-18! I usually reply with, "Well when I'm 40 I'll look like I'm in my 20's so I know I'll appreciate it then!" They always agree like they had a shocking "oh yeah thats true" moment haha!

  7. If they are not much older, you can say i'm old enough to be your sister/brother. or mother if you really feel that old.  

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