
What's a good credit card for a 21 year old?

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I'm 21, and looking to build credit.

I'd like to apply for a card today, but first I thought I'd ask all of you which cards you would suggest for me. What's a good, reliable card that you've had luck with?

Thank you!




  1. If you must get a credit card then get one with a low spending limit ($500).  If you haven't already had a line of credit previously, you can expect to pay a higher percentage rate.  Avoid cards with member fees (unnecessary).  Its once you have the card that it gets tricky.  Spend minimal on the card and pay it off monthly.  The moment you start thinking about your credit card as your option when you don;t actually have the money to pay for it (ex- $100 on a night on the town with your card- when you know when the bill comes in you won't be able to pay for it)....cut it up!!!

    Good luck :)

  2. This depends on whether or not you are a student. There are a lot of cards that offer different benefits. I would suggest Discover because it seems to be easy to get. Check out the website below. You can compare many different cards and apply online. Approval only takes 60 seconds.

  3. I've never noticed too much difference.  They all offer bonuses, etc.  Discover might be among the easiest to get, but the cashback, really isn't worth as much anymore.

    American Express will give you a first card, but they usually charge for membership, and then you have to pay off in full every month, which can be difficult sometimes.  I'm not sure how open they are with the more flexible could try, but your best bet is to get one that doesn't charge an annual fee.

    Which leaves you with VISA/Mastercard.  Either one, they are pretty much the same.  

    The most important thing is NEVER to exceed what YOU  can pay.  Don't pay attention to what THEY say you can charge, if you can only afford to pay $100, don't go over that.  Those interest charges can kill ya if you don't pay them off, and continue charging.  And NEVER PAY LATE!!!!  The minute you miss a payment, they charge you a hefty late fee, and then raise your interest rate.  Be REALLY careful about paying off and then accepting more card offers.  As soon as you are seen as a decent risk, more companies will make offers, sometimes they'll seem good, but over time, and as they raise your credit limit, you can wind up with enough credit to well exceed your annual income.   I have enough credit in my wallet to pay for my house! (give or take a card or two).  If I charged them all to their limits, I'd NEVER dig myself out!

  4. Is this your first card?

    Are you a student?

    There are so many options out there.

    I suggest a card that offers you a reward for using it, I like cash back the best. However there are other rewards and miles depending on the credit card company. Look for one that offers a rewards you like.

    DONT GET A CARD WITH AN ANNUAL FEE. These are useless. Because this is your first card the interest rate maybe a little high but thats ok, make sure you pay off the card every month. Try not to carry a balance as this will get you into the debt.

    Also, don't apply for a lot of cards, get one, and stick with it! One of each at max. But you probably won't get approved for an AMEX yet. Get a MC and Visa for now.

  5. if your building your credit you will probably need to apply for a secured card or to be really sure you get a card a guaranteed approval card. you can get one at this site by going to the sub prime tab in the top left and comparing the offers on this page. if you are going to apply for more than one make sure you do it all in the same day or you will hurt your chances and your credit score

  6. I'm assuming you've never had a credit card and you have little or no credit history. If this is the case, you'll be limited to credit card offers like these:

    Although you'll pay higher interest rates and additional fees with one of these offers, they'll give you the chance to prove your credit worthiness and build your credit score. Eventually, with regular on-time payments, your credit will improve and you'll be able to move on to a better offer. But for now, you'll be limited to these types of offers.

    IF YOU'RE A STUDENT: If you're a college student, you may be able to qualify for a 'student credit card' which will have slightly better terms than the offers listed above. If you're able to qualify, these type of offers might be better:

  7. I have the American Express Blue Card and love it: no annual fee, low apr, and great rewards. I am not sure if you applied already but if you didnt you should check out Applyfastbankcards they pay you to apply online.   Good luck:)

  8. Try CapitalOne. It was my first credit card and it has been good to me so far. You will start out with like a 300 dollar credit line but, you gotta start somewhere. They will also increase that amount after good payment history for 1 year. Good Luck and Be Careful!

  9. there are two ways you could start credit one or them is taking out a small personal loan which you might need a parent or an adult to co-sign for you meaning if you do not pay the loan they will. Or you could apply for a credit card for bad or no credit which most likely will get you approved no matter what, but if you are a student you could get a student credit card which will offer you lower rates and no annual fees, check out and go under bad or no credit or student cards. good luck

  10. Get secured credit card or a student credit if you are student. The secured credit card is great for building credit history. You have cash deposit as collateral and can't go over the limit. I've used secured credit card in the past. You still have to pay your balance on time and in full though.  

  11. I would suggest going with orchard bank card that is listed at the bottom of the following site. They also have other options if you would like to look at them.

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