
What's a good epitaph to put on my tombstone?

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I like 'Excuse my dust' (Dorothy Parker) personally XD

Just want to hear some of the epitaphs everyone uses, hates, likes, or wants to use.





  1. Look upon my works ye mighty, and despair.  

  2. I TOLD you I was sick!  

  3. "Pardon Me for Not Getting Up" (Can't remember who said this)

    "On the Whole, I'd Rather be in Philadelphia" (WC Fields, I think)

    "Here lies the body of Mary Lee

    Died at the age of a hundred and three

    For thirteen years she kept her virginity

    Not a bad record for this vicinity" (Quint from Jaws)

    You'll be here soon enough. (This one's mine)

    THIS SPACE FOR RENT (This one, too.)

    And then you can write very small underneath the epitaph:

    if you can read this you're too close.

  4. Maybe - I'm still alive & I've got a lot of things to accomplish?  

  5. "just pushing up daisies"

    at my funeral i want them to play "another one bites the dust"

    i don't want to be buried.  i want to be cremated.

  6. I came

    I saw

    I died.

  7. "He was not a wuss"

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