
What's a good exercise regime for a very over weight 16 year old female?

by  |  earlier

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Please NOT much diet advice as I'm more interested in exercise (I have a well balanced and nutrious diet etc) Oh and I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, too if that helps at all?




  1. what is your problem i dont get it

  2. Try the video tapes by Cathe Friedrich

    They are like being in your own private gym; easy to follow, no non-sense and very effective.

    Good luck!

  3. if you are obese avoid anything that strains your knees like skipping etc. get a pedometer and  try to take 10,000 steps everyday. gymming with weights will also speed up weight loss by improving your metaboic rate.  

  4. Okay first of all what do you consider overweight, I'd hate to see you overexercising.Now if you re not super skinny already here is what i suggest. Nice brisk walks, jump roping, swimming anything that can just get you moving is good for you. Once you get moving and feeling better you can add a nightly run, laps in the pool, lifting 3-5# weights, hiking, rock climbing.  

  5. start with exercises that stresses your cardiovascular system and work your way up if you can tolerate a more strenuous workout (e.g. from walking 30 or more min a day to biking then to jogging)...then you can also incorporate it with other exercises that trigger other portions of your body, like weightlifting and the like...Godbless


  7. do what i do, sit infront of the computer and play WoW while not thinking about eating, or just exersize and you cant give up after 2 days or it wont work... id start out using 15 lbs weights and advance,

    but i have a very fast motabolism.

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