
What's a good gift idea that will be cheap for a student teacher to give to a ballet and tap class for 6yrsold

by Guest59751  |  earlier

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What's a good gift idea that will be cheap for a student teacher to give to a ballet and tap class for 6yrsold




  1. hmm.maybe buy or make like succers with ballet shoes as the succer art my dance school does that umm maybe idk thats hard.hmm

  2. every kid loves candy.

    or you could get those little chocolate roses or lollipop roses since it would have to do with balllet.

  3. how about order qdolls?

    you can visit this link to see detail!

    Special Gift, Unique Gift

  4. Check out my website, I make these:

    I started making them because one of my daughters had 5 preschool teachers and a dance teacher to give a gift to. If you want one, email me through the website and I'll get it out tomorrow.

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