
What's a good idea for an easy, romantic dinner/meal?

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking brownies, and tacos?

I know that sounds weird, but my cooking skills are not up to par, so what could be some suggestions that don't include going out to eat. I planned on taking it along in a picnic basket and eating at the beach.




  1. There's nothing more romantic than strawberries. It's winter where I am, in Melbourne, (Australia) but it's summer in the UK and summer's the time, not for slaving over a hot stove, but for cherries and berries and lots of lovely stone fruit. Cook up a chicken the night before so that you can have cold chicken sandwiches as well. - or even buy it cooked.  That's what i would do - but I'm not you.

    Don't get all hot and bothered - don't make the preparations too elaborate; there's nothing less romantic than worrying because things haven't gone exactly to plan. The brownies and tacos are fine. You know you can make them and you won't stress out. It's more the mood you're in that will make your dinner romantic than anything else. Trust me.

  2. go get some frozen pasta meals and some garlic bread and premixed salad. it will be very easy and good. but i guess since you will be going out fresh fruit and sandwiches.

  3. If cooking skills aren't up to par might want to order in

  4. Pasta's always good, and there are some great jarred sauces out there.  Warm some semolina bread and serve with butter, add candles and wine, and viola, romantic dinner express!

  5. The picnic idea sounds nice, also (I don't know how possible this is, and how opposed you are to a good cliche) dinner on a rooftop?? It's very romantic :] and pretty too!!!

    Try this as an example of an easy meal:



    I've had the peanut-butter squares, they are yumtastic ^^

    Good luck! Also, brownies and tacos sounds fun too :P

  6. how about julian chicken strips with  stir fried veggies (olive oil and a touch of garlic) over a bed of rice, or you can get some of the fancier  flat breads and make it into a wrap....serve with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and sour cream for a wrap and for desserts brownies, cup cakes or something easy like that

  7. What's a good idea for an easy, romantic dinner/meal?

    Stop at KFC on the way to the beach.

  8. make brownies and myabe make like chicken with pasta and put in contrainers

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