
What's a good job for a 13 year old?

by Guest21484  |  earlier

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well this year,my mom couldn't afford buying me school supplies and new clothes.So I am desperate to get money.what's a good job i could get?besides baby sitting.




  1. u can start a work hist by mowing lawns or working @ a movie theatre. just find something 2 do where u can earn a lil x-tra $$$. many youngsters r flipping burgers, but by law most ppl don't work very young kids due 2 child labor laws. kids needa grow & mature & they need time 2 b kids.

  2. Pet sitting or dog walking, newspaper delivery, mowing lawns

  3. I sympathize with your family's economic situation and hope it improves. It's hard to find work at your age because most businesses can't legally hire you. Your best bet is to find some locally-run business (not a huge chain like McDonalds or Wal-Mart), especially if you happened to know the owner, explain the situation to them, and ask them if there are any odd jobs you can do. Most people are very impressed by a young person willing to work, so you have a pretty decent chance of being hired.

    Good luck! For the record, I really admire your gung-ho attitude, and I'm sure your future boss will as well.

  4. Since you're still rather young, it's going to be hard to find a job in places other than fast food or grocery stores.  :/  My first job was McDonald's.  It isn't as bad as some people make it out to be, but it isn't great for pay, either.  But hey, money is money.

    You should babysit though, really.  You don't have to do the same thing everyday, you get a chance to be outside and have fun, you can eat food and watch movies :].

  5. NOOB you must be 15 to get a work permit.

  6. Dont get a job on a website! Get a real job someplace. If you are in a small town, chances are there is a local newspaper. I rode my bike for 3 years as a paperboy delivering newspapers. The job consisted of folding the papers, putting rubber bands on each one, then delivering them to the correct addresses. It also taught me about money and finances, because I would have to collect money every other month.

    I used to wash cars too :)

    You can also ask your parents if they have any friends or relatives locally that own a small business that might need help.

    If you cant find a job, you could always volunteer at your library where you will be able to interact with other people (like meeting new teens!).

    Lastly, (im running out of ideas) you could make a flyer on your computer and pass it around your neighborhood offering to water plants or care for pets when people go on vacation. You'd be surprised how popular that is.

    Ive also heard garden nurseries pay teens too. If theres one near you, check it out.

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