
What's a good lawsuit these days?

by  |  earlier

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the loose lid on the coffee cup or slippin on a wet floor just aint doin it for me anymore. i'm tryin to get paid!




  1. If you want a hint it will cost you $500. If you want an advise $1,000. If you want guidance $2,000.  Email me. I'M SERIOUS.

  2. You gotta claim the cleaners stole your pants.

  3. Hmmm, perhaps you could sue the education system for failing to teach you self-responsibility?  Maybe even the church and your parents for the same thing.

  4. drop a grape on the floor at WalMArt and then slip on sure someone gets a good pic of it..they hate grapes...

  5. lying.. perjury... you have to be wire tapped to have strong evidenced but it does not mean that you will still win the battle hehehe

  6. s*x and racial discrimination though its very hard to prove these days. you need to keep documentation and evidence of such actions. though its very hard to prove, they usually end up paying thousands if not millions in settlement

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